Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

They Finally Arrived !!!

I Have More Black Penedesenca Chicks Hatching In The Incubator !!!

And I Just Picked Up Another Black Pullet From Yesterdays Show!!!
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deneise please email or call me to let me know, what address you'd like your eggs to be shipped to.
I can probably send your eggs, if it's warmed up out there, by next week.
ley me know.
She looks Great, She is laying Age, if she settles down a little more she will be laying in No Time:)

I know that he said his Black Penedesencas were raised for eggs only, they layed like crazy, and That he has had them for about 3 yrs. And he does not sell to any body, Believe me I tryed to buy him out.
but he wouldn't sell. He only took to the offer I made him for eggs and chicks because he didn't have a rooster.

and the parent stock was laying nice dark eggs and had big carnations, and white earlobes. Thats pretty much what I found out about them. Is that Penedesenca enough for you all.

I did send him 6 eggs and four 1 month old cockerels, for his pullet.
We are going to be trading back and fourth, for new blood. between the poultry shows down here.

I am also on a possable lead for more hens, can you believe it MORE NEW HENS.

If I can get there in time. They are half sisters and daughters to my hens, a few generations breed apart. If I can get them I will have at least 2-3 new additions. I will keep you informed.
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That sounds very exciting Josh. Keep up the good detective work. I know I have sure been happy with mine as far as their egg laying. They laid all through the Wisconsin winter with no artificial light, something I had not expected. Since I have no rooster yet, we have been eating the eggs all along, and they have a nice heavy membrane that makes them good for hard cooked eggs. So, there is a good use for the birds that might not be show exhibition, but still are good egg layers.

I did email you with the information about where to send eggs when you are ready.
My chicks are Hatching,

So far 6 penedesenca, and still counting
We had a power outage so I hope it does note affect the hatch. I'll Keep you all posted

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