Calls and Cayugas 2020

The rest of the eggs do not look ready to hatch. I moved poor Remi again, this time into a brooder box tote because she spilled over the duckling waterer twice in the dog crate I had her in and the nest was getting soaked. :th
She has been such a good girl putting up with my violating her nest. She settled right back down on her eggs like ok.. No biggie. Now the little one has a little space to move around to eat and drink when its ready without getting separated from mama. View attachment 2145141View attachment 2145142View attachment 2145143
Pics remind me just how unbelievably cute Call duckies are! Need to print a big pic of that baby and hang it to motivate me to get the habitat done for em.
Pics remind me just how unbelievably cute Call duckies are! Need to print a big pic of that baby and hang it to motivate me to get the habitat done for em.
They are so precious. New babies are so tiny!
Think about this as your building and planning if your going to let them sit and hatch. They can get through the tiniest spaces. Hardware cloth everywhere is an absolute necessity if your going to have littles.
Pics remind me just how unbelievably cute Call duckies are! Need to print a big pic of that baby and hang it to motivate me to get the habitat done for em.
As the terrible enabler I am... I must tell you... it doesn't have to be an extravagant set up for them to be happy. They are just as thrilled to splash around in any tub of water as they are in the big 60 gallon tank.
As the terrible enabler I am... I must tell you... it doesn't have to be an extravagant set up for them to be happy. They are just as thrilled to splash around in any tub of water as they are in the big 60 gallon tank.

I consider hardware cloth mandatory on the bottom and 12 inches or more into the ground mandatory anyway. I built a coop for my Bantams keeping in mind how tiny they are should be about the same. I know they can be happy with any old water to splash in but I want to see little duck butts sticking up out of the ponds I am making. And with my wife and I's disabilities I want to design it to be very easy to keep clean. No bailing out no turning over heavy pools etc. Invest time at this end to save time at the other. But if I get lazy and don't get it done I might change my mind next spring. Especially after my broody bantams give some new babies in a couple weeks. I decided to let my most persistent broodies to keep a few eggs. pot luck on who the daddies and mommies are all broddies are bantam but they have some very not bantam eggs in the mix. I can't wait three of four broodies are my Sasser girls who are mixes some of the mixed bantam roo to full size hen. so the babies will be mutts. And thats ok I love my imperfect chickens.

I need to do a little research on what they like as far as roost, perch, or nest, what they prefer as nests for laying etc etc. If they can cohabitate with chickens they could share the bantam coop. Or do they need their own coop and run. I have moire than adequate water works planned but I need to plan the coop and run to keep liquid water in the winter etc.
Joining in with my four Cayuga littles! They're just over 2 weeks old. They're so sweet but are not fans of people. Any suggestions besides forcing our love on them? Haha


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Joining in with my four Cayuga littles! They're just over 2 weeks old. They're so sweet but are not fans of people. Any suggestions besides forcing our love on them? Haha
Treats. That's always the answer with ducks lol.
Mine love meal worms and peas the best. Forcing your love on them will not make them like you..haha. I've tried 😂
Get down on their level and just sit with them on the ground. Move slow around them, and avoid reaching over their heads when possible. That's the key to gaining their trust imo.
Treats. That's always the answer with ducks lol.
Mine love meal worms and peas the best. Forcing your love on them will not make them like you..haha. I've tried 😂
Get down on their level and just sit with them on the ground. Move slow around them, and avoid reaching over their heads when possible. That's the key to gaining their trust imo.

I will have to try peas. I just sat for nearly an hour with my hand in the brooder holding some strawberry tops, which they love in their water dish) and they just cuddled up on the other side and stared at me! Haha.
Treats. That's always the answer with ducks lol.
Mine love meal worms and peas the best. Forcing your love on them will not make them like you..haha. I've tried 😂
Get down on their level and just sit with them on the ground. Move slow around them, and avoid reaching over their heads when possible. That's the key to gaining their trust imo.
excellent advice works for chickens too. My wife wonders why good roos suddenly go after her or grand kids. I am repeatedly telling them you got to move slow like pawpaw. in their world fast movement means predator attack. And I learned quite a while back that the babies in the top brooder were far less skittish. Duh Id be skittish if somthing was towering over me too. Birds I can't catch will jump on me when I go sit in the coop with em. (esp with treats :p)

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