Calls and Cayugas 2020


She did make this article. but it is so hard for me to wrap my mind around the genetic stuff and understand what it all means.
A lady that bought some call ducklings from me this summer had her kids show them at the fair.
They won 3 ribbons! It's so exciting for me and them. :D
They won best in show drake, best in show hen and grand champion all over poultry for the hen!
Wow! Congrats, that’s really cool! Do you show your birds yourself? :clap
I am pretty sure I remember @Pyxis saying black is dominant. She's the one I ask about genetics.
Then I forget what she tells me and have to ask again. :oops:

Black is dominant :) So the ducklings will be all black bibbed. Well, as long as the black bibbed has two copies of extended black. If it only has one, there could be surprises :)

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