Campine Chicken thread?

People talk about campine being flighty and not friendly........not my experience........this is what greets me whenever I walk up to their pen

This morning I woke up to my "crowing" Golden Campine
just 9 weeks old and he was spot on with his crow......I'm sad, can't have roosters where I live!
This morning I woke up to my "crowing" Golden Campine
just 9 weeks old and he was spot on with his crow......I'm sad, can't have roosters where I live!
You're lucky he waited that long. I've had Campine start a good effort at crowing at 12 days. They are a very precocious breed. I currently have 27 living in bins in my den and they hop in and out and check out the chicks next door. My hatch................9 boys and 18 girls. I can't believe it, I normally hatch mostly boys.
They are only about ten days old, but they make themselves known early. They are moving to the brooder in the workshop tomorrow.

I'd say it would make me chick free in the house, but I've got poults and ducklings in the hatcher right now.
Hi everyone! I hatched a Silver Campine chick (from Wisher1000's flock) a few weeks ago. She is only 3 weeks old and I thought she was crowing last night. Is that possible? I was really thinking that she was a pullet but maybe not. Maybe she really wasn't crowing. I am not sure. This is her at 3 weeks. Can anyone tell me if she is a boy or a girl?

She feathered in very quickly and evenly. This is her when she was a day old.

Sorry for all the pictures and thanks for the help!
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