Can a pullet have a faster developing comb than others?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
Dallas, TX
My chicks are about two weeks old. I know, I know, I just need to play the waiting game and be patient to find out the gender, but I was just wondering if some pullets have roo characteristics when they're younger. Here are some updated pics I took this morning. I've named the blue/gray one JuJu, and the yellow one Oosie. They are a joy and super friendly! I don't know what breed they are, but they sure are sweet. The one with the larger comb is JuJu, and I'm hoping a pullet. I don't want to have to separate them :(

The first one is a cockerel. Definitely a bantam, which just about all hatcheries do not sex. Not sure on breed. So far the second appears to be a pullet.
Oh me oh my, that's what I was afraid of. My brother raises chickens in the country (I can't keep a roo bc I live in the city) and he said he would take him and care for him. BUT, In your opinion (everyone who has posted so far) would it be okay for the other chick (Oosie) if I separated him from her and introduced her to another pullet? OR, should I give them both to my brother and just start over with two pullets? I'm torn... my husband and I don't have children yet and get so attached to our animals! Haha. I just want to do whatever is best for both of them. Will the other be depressed if separated from the other since they have been growing up together so far? Omg, I know I probably sound crazy right now...!
I'd just get Oosie a new friend. I thought my pullet would be sad to see her brother gone today, but she's totally fine! I have her new friend in quarantine right now. I have four other older chickens that she's with so she's not alone.
Thanks, lightchick! That makes me feel better...but they are the only two I have. You think she'd be okay in a separate living quarter by herself while the new chick catches up in it's own? Maybe just put the brooder boxes next to each other so they can interact safely while getting to know each other?
I think she'll be fine. My two chick were together since day 1 and have never been far apart. They lived in the brooder together for over 4 weeks.

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