Can Dogs Sense Cat in Heat?

Oh Lord. I have to ask..what did she do to the shoe?

She would drag his left loafer off the shoe rack, and...well, she really, really, really loved that shoe. A lot.​


I was imagining her peeing in it!

In the bright side, I think we can say that a dog can sense a cat in heat and when unsupervised, will attempt to act on it! He knew a few days before I did!
I saw my neighbours staffordshire terrier trying to umm.. do the naughty with their cat last night! LOL...

and my Jack Russell has a thing with my hubbys boots.... when he leaves the house I sometimes catch her doing the dirty deed. Freaks me out!!!

what a funny topic
I have to ask. Why would spayed/unspayed female dogs/cats get the urge to do that? Dominance over a shoe? Or have they seen something else do it.
yes its a dominace thing unless its an unalterd male dog its for dominace.
my sisters female toy poodle will wrestle her cat to the floor and hump her the cats just sits there and growls its too funny!
dogs CAN smell anything when it goes into heat my neuterd male dog follows me around just before i get my period untill a few days after with his nose in my crotch im always shooing him away its super embarressing!! plus if he cant sniff me continuesly he will sniff my dirty underwear or pants so i keep them in a plastic garbage bag in the clothes hamper!
Ok it is WAYYYY to late for this reply but. Dogs can smell the hormones that cats release when they are in heat but they don't act on it normally because it's not supposed to atract male dogs. Dogs have a really good sense of smell, they can even smell tumors that are inside people for example. And also, humans are not the only ones that masturbate you know? Other animals do too. Dogs use anything they have near them, a blanket, a pillow or even a cat, to masturbate if they are feeling horny. It's best to give your dog a blanket for him to do his business so he doesn't use your cat and possibly hurt him. Again WAY to late for this reply but you can use this for future reference.

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