Can dreams ever come true?

How much are you looking to spend total? How much do you have saved? Is free ranging an option? That way you would just need a coop. Idk if you have any Home Depot by you but by me they will usually have a 70% off lumber area.
I don’t have nothing but $10 rn, I might be able to free range the chickens but I’m in a neighborhood so I’ll have to ask the neighbors if they’re ok with randomly jumping the fence if they do or try to
You shouldn't free range your birds in a neighborhood because someone might take them, thinking they're stray. At the very least, you need a coop.
Have you considered whether you can afford chickens at this point? What happens if one gets injured or sick? Will your foster parents pay for its care?
Ask them what they mean by "help you with the feed". Will they pay for all of it, or just some of it?
If you're planning to get animals to take care of, you need to figure out how you'll afford food and basic medical care for them.
I believe you mentioned that previously but all the suggestions on obtaining wood are wonderful! My 8x12 is made out of mostly repurposed material. With the coop materials yet this spring is probably pushing it. Takes awhile to build even a small safe coop and run. But if you start looking at those places soon then fall seems reasonable and you won’t feel rushed to finish.
My chicken tractors were built out of scrap wood and free chicken wire leftover from a local club's float that was going to be thrown away. Idk if you're in a public or private school or not, but maybe ask around at the schools in your area if they have any building materials left over from floats or projects.

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