Can I have some photos? Insert breed too!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 24, 2013
Hi there and welcome to Backyardchickens! I want some pictures of chicks and their breeds in the caption...... I'm getting chicks and I need an idea of what I want. Please subscribe!!!! Thank you very much¡/B]
Hi there and welcome to Backyardchickens! I want some pictures of chicks and their breeds in the caption...... I'm getting chicks and I need an idea of what I want. Please subscribe!!!! Thank you very much¡/B]
A lot of the hatchery web sites will show a picture of both the chick and the adult bird. Might be a faster way to see what you want to see.
Dark Cornish 2 weeks old today. Dark Cornish are bred for meat. They have wide bodies and short legs.

Black Autralorps, dual purpose, great layers, fairly friendly, good sized body.

1 week

3 weeks

Blue Australorp roughly 6 weeks old.

Rhode Island Red, good dual purpose, though mostly used as egg layers. Can be flighty and aggressive in some hatchery stock.


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