Can male chickens lay eggs?

I think it might be a hen. HAHA thanks for all the great responses! This is a great website and I got a lot of AMAZING feedback!!! Love you!:) I don't have any pictures, haha my rooster pecked at my camera and cracked it (like an egg)!
Maybe you were told it was a “mail” chicken?

meaning it was delivered in the mail as day old chick?... or it came from the old rare breed of chickens that used to deliver postcards during the war? 😉
In old legends a rooster who lays an egg is burned at the stake along with the egg because it's considered "witchcraft." Supposedly, a massive, violent, fire breathing, half dragon, half chicken beast will hatch out of the egg and destroy the village. Lol!
a BASALISK! Yes! Who would ever realise that Harry Potter monster was LAID BY A ROOSTER?
There is such a thing as gyandromorphs, half and half birds, which are both sexes.
Here’s the article
Lol! I've never watched Harry Potter. Is it as good as The Hobbit (which I waited until a week ago to watch for some dumb reason)?
I just read the books when I was younger actually. I think the films are OK though. Never watched the Hobbit, just LOTR. But this is kind of off subject!
There is such a thing as gyandromorphs, half and half birds, which are both sexes.
Here’s the article
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Why does everyone jump to these things?
its probably a hen, or a hen escaped, or maybe OP is being tricked. This may exist but its SUPER rare, and I think OP would have mentioned it if their 'rooster' looked like THAT.
Not being rude of course, it's a very interesting fact, just not a very likely one.

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