
Oct 2, 2020

I made a post yesterday about my hen (9 month old blue andulusian) who suddenly started acting weird, not herself, lethargic. Things got even stranger at night when she decided to sleep in the nesting box and then, at 12am, starting doing the egg song/distress call for about ten minutes, and went back on the roost (no she didn’t lay an egg). When I went to check on her, she wanted to come out, so I let her in the yard and she acted like it was daytime, scratching and roaming. Very weird.
Now this morning her crop was still full and she acted lethargic again, and I’m seeing lots of bright green poops around the run. Like, no a single normal looking poop.

Yesterday, I gave them a probiotic pack in their water. They’ve never had that before, and I’m wondering might it be the cause for such a 180 in my hens behavior? Two days ago she was 100% normal. They also got a fresh bag of feed yesterday, too.
Probiotics in water wouldn't cause problems provided it was the right strength. What's the fresh feed? Is it new to them? That can sometimes take them a few days to get used to it.
No, it’s their normal feed. I’m starting to get a little worried since the one lethargic hen has blood in her poop, not a lot, but it seems to be in every dropping. I’m taking her stool to get tested today to see what’s up.
This is her poop from last night. Every piece had a little blood in it, and she is also having occasional diarrhea (so far no blood in that, though).


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