Can roosters stay in same run/coop as hens?


In the Brooder
May 25, 2022
Hello, I am new to raising chickens. We have 5 hens and 1 rooster currently. One hen is older than 3 years, the other hens are almost 4months old same as rooster.
Can we keep the rooster with the hens in the same run and then same coop at night?
Okay thank you for your reply. I guess I am just worried about how often he will try to mate with them? I guess not an issue unless I start noticing some physical signs on the hens of him doing that too often?
Roosters wont breed your hens too much, only once or twice every day depending on how many you have. I agree with @BarnyardChoas Roosters are there to protect the hens. But I promise he shouldn't be hurting them or anything. Hope this helped!
Okay thank you for your reply. I guess I am just worried about how often he will try to mate with them? I guess not an issue unless I start noticing some physical signs on the hens of him doing that too often?
He will do it every chance he gets! 1 cockerel and 5 ladies might have some wear and tear to the feathers from being mounted. My dozen ladies barely spreads the love enough for my rooster. He has two that he’s wearing feathers on.
He will always have his favorites that will probably get overmated. Even if he had 20 hens, that would probably still happen. Of course, they are probably his favorites because they cooperate so well, even to their detriment.

Definitely keep them all together and see how it goes. I like to have 5 hens per rooster minimum, although the more the merrier.
Okay thank you for your reply. I guess I am just worried about how often he will try to mate with them? I guess not an issue unless I start noticing some physical signs on the hens of him doing that too often?
Oh yes, he will mate every chance he gets throughout the day. It's okay. He'll do a little dance around the chosen hen and make lovey-noises, and if she's agreeable, she'll squat down for him. If she's not, she'll trot away from him, he'll turn his attention to someone else, and do another dance. It's quite funny to watch our amorous roos first thing in the morning. I guess that's one ... hmmm.... male tendency (morning um.. urges?)... that crosses the animal/human kingdom. LOL! He will likely have some favorite ladies, and his mounting habits will wear the feathers from her back. There are "chicken saddles" you can buy or sew yourself that can help protect the girls' backs, if you are so inclined. I only worry a bit about it in winter, as some of the girls don't have as thick a coat of feathers as others. But then, if the weather's THAT awful cold, I usually keep them locked inside anyway. We have 39 hens and 2 roosters, and even that ratio doesn't help. There are 5 or 6 with consistently naked backs. Others look like they're untouched. Go figure. Oh, and I know they are both making the rounds of all the ladies --- last batch of eggs I incubated, 12 picked at random from that day's laying, of those 12 only one wasn't fertilized. All 11 others hatched and are in my basement brooder right now. :)
He will always have his favorites that will probably get overmated. Even if he had 20 hens, that would probably still happen. Of course, they are probably his favorites because they cooperate so well, even to their detriment.

Definitely keep them all together and see how it goes. I like to have 5 hens per rooster minimum, although the more the merrier.
Yes hoping to get some more hens next year! Once we expand our run and coop for them. Thank you!

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