Can the points of a comb grow back?


11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Somerset, KY
Little Man, my BTB Dutch, got into a tiff with Anna I think about 3 weeks ago and lost the points at the front of his comb. Will they grow back?
I hope someone knows this cuz I was wondering the same BR Scar got into a thing with a mole and then flew into the wall and scalped herself...her comb is almost all scrapped of and just scabs now (she is healing well) I wonder if those ever grow back?
Anyone know?
I think there has been instances that they have but only if only a little bit has come off. It usually never grows back though.
poor poor Scar...she looks so bad now that DH thinks we would change her name again .....from Scar to Frankie (short for Fankenstien)

I will try to get a current pic of her pittiful face. She doesnt wanna come to close to me after spending almost a week in the chicken hospital
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My favorite rooster, King Comb, lost all the points on his single comb due to a very bad case of frostbite. (His previous owners didn't provide adequate winter shelter). He was left with what we called his "Knothead."
Since I was in elementary school when I got him, I named him King Comb so that he didn't feel bad about having a messed-up comb. Ha ha!

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