can two Roo`s live in harmony together ?

Robin'sBrood :

Can you keep two roos together in a bachelor pad with no hens?

It depends on the personality of the two individual roo's.
Some you can, some you can't.​
they will be fine im sure! I have 6 roos, (2 of whom I think are gay.. lol) but anyway, they all get along great! They all have many wives so Im sure that helps too.. lol
We had two roos that got along well together for a while. One was an EE/RIR mix, one was pure RIR. The EE mix was bigger, and more dominant. It worked fine for about 6 months, then one day the RIR attacked the more dominant guy and killed him. It happened in just seconds, and I was standing right there.

So my answer would be, it can work, but be prepared for things to happen suddenly that you didn't expect. Good luck

Forgot to add, the roos free ranged, and had a large area to roam in. The fatal squabble involved food.
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This an excellent response. Threads like this often become sort of self-fulfillng:
"Can they?..."
"Well, sure - I've seen it, or done it, or known someone who has, etc."

But my neighbor has a T-shirt that adds a different perspective, echoing this posters comments: "It's all fun... until the police show up."

Many things can be done and often are. But, it's a good idea to be prepared for the worst.
This an excellent response. Threads like this often become sort of self-fulfillng:
"Can they?..."
"Well, sure - I've seen it, or done it, or known someone who has, etc."

But my neighbor has a T-shirt that adds a different perspective, echoing this posters comments: "It's all fun... until the police show up."

Many things can be done and often are. But, it's a good idea to be prepared for the worst.

Good to know. I think I am going to have three Bantam Roos. I want to keep them all and I live in a ranching area so I can. If I have to seperate them I will.
My son has that T-shirt, and the one that says "It's all fun until someone gets hurt, then it's hysterical". My roos free-range together, I imagine someday someone will get cocky and get hurt, but for over a year there has been no incidents except a couple of bantams getting beak to beak and fluffing their hackles as they turn in a circle.
I just raised six young cockerels through the winter and today dug out the old empty coop to make a bachelor clubhouse because the guys are now in the "pull the girl's hair or braids" stage. So far, only the banty cockerel who is half wyandotte couldn't join the club cause he wants to fight everyone. When they were all in the chick raising coop w/my main small banty roo and his hens that same cockerel was the one who had to run from everyone and I'd put him in a cage w/a pullet so he wouldn't have so much stress.

The rest of the guys are a BLRW/Ee, a BO/RIR, a black EE and a black EE w/orange and a black silkie. First I put them in the coop and the silkie showed all the guys how to get a girl's attention by talking and picking up straw and dropping it while the other guys didn't believe him.

Then I made them all go outside into the warm sunshine and the melting snow where I made a straw path for them in case they didn't want to walk in that wet granular snow (since the banty pen adjacent is the main banty roo and hens who are flying over the snow and landing in the barren spots of dirt;). I thought they'd love being out in the warm sun but nope...they had a quick discussion about how Mom's always interfere and how a treat would be much better (standing in a group like boys) and promptly walked back into their cool clubhouse and haven't come back outside.

Silly boys. Now the local Police (a pair) are driving by slowly with smiles on their faces looking at the birds...I bet they wish they had a cool clubhouse, too!

Soon as those boys are able to handle the hens, they will be separated and segregated;) I am wondering how my 26 year old son will handle the crowing competitions...he and I work nights - I love the sound of crowing;) Roos are so awesome at any age:)

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