Solved Can we keep AI photos off the site?

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the same thing when I saw that particular picture this morning. I just find AI art to be overall disconcerting and uncomfortable, more and more so the longer you look at it :oops: That particular image was one of the less offensive in that regard, but still an odd choice when there has to be literal thousands if not hundreds of thousands of chick photos uploaded to the site to choose from. :idunno
Edit for typo, whoops
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I don't see the big deal, you have to ask permission to use real images and such so this seems easy. It's not as if they are trying to pass it off as a real photo...
But the permission  is the big deal for AI. Most, if not all, AI is trained on images that would normally require permission to use, but without the permission of the originator of the image. Admittedly this is a bigger issue with drawings/illustrations, but its not like professional photographers who get paid for use of their photographs don't exist. Since this website doesn't pay to use photos anyway its not like they're taking away commissions by using AI generated images, but they are encouraging unethical AI practices if they are using images generated by AI that may have been trained without the copyright holders' permission.

Besides, as others have pointed out, it seems silly and even lazy to use AI when admin already has a plethora of real photographs to choose from. And while they may not be trying to pass the AI images off as real photos they also aren't explicitly marking them as AI. Plus, we are all aware of the issues that have been popping up with AI generated text (the Air Canada chat bot lawsuit for one prominent example) and if we are using AI images what's to say we're not using AI text in articles as well. It just casts a shadow of suspicion over the accuracy of information on the website as a whole.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the same thing when I saw that particular picture this morning. I just find AI art to be overall disconcerting and uncomfortable, more and more so the longer you look at it :oops: That particular image was one of the less offensive in that regard, but still an odd choice when there has to be literal thousands if not hundreds of thousands of chick photos uploaded to the side to choose from. :idunno
When I first saw it, I thought the chick looked like a stuffed toy. So I thought it was a deliberately created scene: toy chick, colorful background, plant or fake plant in the back corner, some kind of "food" for the chick to "eat" because of the title of the thread.

Then I realized it was an AI-generated image, and I thought the AI had done a pretty good job of faking one style of real photograph.

But to go with any article or thread on this site, I prefer images of real chickens :)
But the permission  is the big deal for AI. Most, if not all, AI is trained on images that would normally require permission to use, but without the permission of the originator of the image. Admittedly this is a bigger issue with drawings/illustrations, but its not like professional photographers who get paid for use of their photographs don't exist. Since this website doesn't pay to use photos anyway its not like they're taking away commissions by using AI generated images, but they are encouraging unethical AI practices if they are using images generated by AI that may have been trained without the copyright holders' permission.

Besides, as others have pointed out, it seems silly and even lazy to use AI when admin already has a plethora of real photographs to choose from. And while they may not be trying to pass the AI images off as real photos they also aren't explicitly marking them as AI. Plus, we are all aware of the issues that have been popping up with AI generated text (the Air Canada chat both lawsuit for one prominent example) and if we are using AI images what's to say we're not using AI text in articles as well. It just casts a shadow of suspicion over the accuracy of information on the website as a whole.
Completely agree, BYC deserves real photos, Im glad the admins realized our outrage and did the right thing, Thanks Admins!
Ban them all and boot @TudyBOT while you're at it.
It does seem like laziness and looks unprofessional.
Tacky, fake, cheap, creepy, cringy.

I came for chickens not fairytales and make believe.
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