Can you dust your children with DE?

y'all made me itchy TOO.
now I want an itchy-head smiley...
^Yup, and no guarantee that it'd work on these particular parasites either.

And yes, you're totally right that that stuff doesn't work. Did DD's hair, left on the full 10 minutes (says NOT to do more) and the critters were still moving... *shudder* and that stinking comb might catch the bugs, but it doesn't do doodly for the nits that are superglued on. And the "loosening gel" didn't work for doodly either.

Definitely not worth the money they charge for the product... even they admit that it fails, OFTEN, right there on the box.

Much better to try alternate (and overlapping) methods.
Tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner is supposed to prevent lice. I buy the Paul Mitchell brand for my Pre-K sucks paying $40 for shampoo & conditioner, but it lasts forever and will hopefully keep us from having to deal with lice!
I like this idea too... and if I combine them all... her hair will fall out and then we won't have to worry about the lice!!!!
Yeah, that thought crossed my mind when I started thinking of all the chemical stuff, treating every 7-10 days, etc.

Not much risk of that with mayo, oils, vinegar.... yada. Stinky, greasy, but doubt it'd bald you.

OMG... just thought of something. I DE the run/coop now and again for stinkiness right?
So why hasn't it ever hit me to try dousing DH's stinky work boots?

Anyone ever tried that? Does it work? Lot cheaper than buying those fancy powders...
Mayonaise. Glop it on their head wrap in plastic and leave overnight repeat weekly. Everytime they said there was head lice at school this is what I did if I saw nit bugs or not. I have 5 kids 3 girls. The boys were easy get out the clippers and buzz time but the girls had long thick hair. To this day one of my girls cant stand the smell of mayo.
DE inhaled is bad news. Don't think I would want to put it on my kid's heads. What is that itchiness I feel? Oh, I'm OK. I shave my head.
Ivermectin is used in some third world countries. It works well in humans to control parasites of all sorts.
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Might be by prescription
FWIW, there was an episode of House where he prescribed ivermectin to a patient.

Yeah but that was for internal parasites. It killed his dog cause it was a collie

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