Can you feed your Chickens Meat?

My avian vet suggests cat food (with chicken is ok!) when they are moulting or need a little extra protein. I just don't think you're supposed to feed that longterm because of the added vitamins meant for cats. Mealworms are great protein too and they love them! I order 3,000 at a time from Amazon from Rainbow mealworms and keep them in the fridge, where they stay dormant until you give them to the chickens. They go nuts for them, especially if you cover them with a little dirt so they can scratch around for them. :)
Does feeding your chickens meat make them cannibalistic? I just read it did.
If it moves slower than mine they'll eat it! And they get all kinds of stuff including meat of almost any kind. Not bacon and not ham, though. We never have any leftovers of those.
I do not think feeding your chickens meat makes them cannibalstic; they already were

Yep, mine eat meat [no bacon or ham]; steak, sausages, chicken, turkey, fish, mince [ground beef], roast beef, roast lamb …..

When we are cooking, if it is something the gals can have, we cook a little bit extra for them.
I've seen mine eat mice, snakes, moles, voles, fledglings and of course every insect imaginable. (they don't seem to like stink bugs though

So whatever meat scraps I have they get.
I've wanted to feed meat scraps but was always too nervous or worried it was bad for them but now I know it's not I might try feeding them some scraps.

I hear meat fat can help keep them warm in the winter too

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