Can you tell what these baby Wyandotte's are, color and sex?


8 Years
Jan 12, 2012
Cajun Country
I had read somewhere that you could tell their sex by their feather growth. The roo is a Blue and the momma are golden, blue and sliver Wyandotte's. I am not sure what momma the eggs came from. My day old pics are not very good, but I will post 12 day old pics and the parents. I have been trying to see what the outcome is for crossing diff Wyandotte colors, however everything seems to talk about BLRW. I was wanting to see what the outcomes are for blue crossed with each of these. I did find blue X blue. Any help would be great.

the first three pics are 1-26 . this would be day 2 for two of the babies and day 3 for one.

This is day 12


broody hen and maybe mommy

other mommy possibilities
If you type "feather sexing chicks" into the search bar at the top of the page, you will find many threads and videos on the subject. Some say it works, some say no. You can look at the videos, discussions and pics. Then try it on your birds. Write down who you think is what and once they mature, you will be able to tell if the methods are accurate or not.
I can only give you a general idea, based on my experience raising SLWs. First of all, it's really hard to accurately sex Wyandotte chicks. I ended up with a few males in every batch of pullets I've ordered. Generally, though, I've come to notice, as the chicks are feathering out sometime between two and four weeks, the males will have deeper, and darker colored feathers than the girls. They also tend to be a bit more adverse to being handled, the girls tolerating it better.
If you type "feather sexing chicks" into the search bar at the top of the page, you will find many threads and videos on the subject. Some say it works, some say no. You can look at the videos, discussions and pics. Then try it on your birds. Write down who you think is what and once they mature, you will be able to tell if the methods are accurate or not.

I did just for fun, I am not near experienced enough but figure have to start somewhere. I have read many threads about different sexing methods, some quite funny. I am guessing the colors, but cant find much on crosses or how you get some of the colors to start with. Most are the new craze of BLRW and found about blue x blue possibilities.

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