Canadians check in here....

Hi @Arenas Chickens ! I live in AB too (about an hour NW of Edmonton).

How much longer before the eggs hatch? Are you excited? Do you have your brooder set up?

If you want or need hatching eggs, I ship. I raise 2 heritage breeds: buckeyes and chanteclers.

well hello! I have about two more weeks, I hope lol

I thought I had had everything set-up but after all my issues - see new member thread & thread in hatching, I am doubting myself lol but I am still super excited!!

you ship eggs?? That aren’t going to be chicks when they reach me?? (lol a bit of humor there but serious to lol).... that’s awesome! I’ll have to look into the buckeye, haven’t seen that one in my research yet. I may already have some Chanteclers; I have an unexpected expecting lol.

thanks so much for reaching out!!
well hello! I have about two more weeks, I hope lol

I thought I had had everything set-up but after all my issues - see new member thread & thread in hatching, I am doubting myself lol but I am still super excited!!

you ship eggs?? That aren’t going to be chicks when they reach me?? (lol a bit of humor there but serious to lol).... that’s awesome! I’ll have to look into the buckeye, haven’t seen that one in my research yet. I may already have some Chanteclers; I have an unexpected expecting lol.

thanks so much for reaching out!!
Welcome to a great place, full of information. Some of that information can be overwhelming, not to mention conflicting.

Where did you get the chanteclers from?

Buckeyes are a dual purpose heritage breed. They originated in Ohio (the Buckeye state). They are quite cold hardy.

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Welcome to a great place, full of information. Some of that information can be overwhelming, not to mention conflicting.

Where did you get the chanteclers from?

Buckeyes are a dual purpose heritage breed. They originated in Ohio (the Buckeye state). They are quite cold hardy.

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Yes I have noticed tons of info & unfortunately where there is an abundance of anything, there will be some conflict (as in differences not fights) but the best information is information one is given from both sides of the backyard ☺️ because a good listener & researcher can use both yards to make their own, which is what I intend to do 😆

My partner & I did some research on the buckeye last night, beautifully plump bird lol the hardiness fits well with Alberta’s climate, especially mine which isn’t quite Calgary’s weather, but tries to be with more cold & wind lol it seems to be a bird we might be interested in in future flock.

If I do in fact have Chantcelors, I got them from a local farmer in Delecour, about1.5 hrs drive from my location. I answered a Kijiji ad for Americauna & brown layers. Thinking I was getting Americauna, as I asked for brown layers believing they were the same as the ad was written, I was prepared for this bird. However, as mentioned in my previous threads, I did not get any blue or blue/green eggs in this clutch, which was to be 2 doz but she gave me 3 lol. Upon seeing someone in the backyard with a beautiful speckled brown egg, I asked what she had - although hers was a fluke she unintentionally sent me on a wonderfully informative journey of egg colours vs breeds. It turns out I still may have Americauna chickens, but might also get/have Chantcelor, a possible Meran, and even a Welsummer - I really really want a Welsummer!! But I am not holding my breath as the ad mentioned Americauna, brown layers, & Easter Eggers only. However my memory is telling me some place I saw chantcelor mentioned.

I was looking for RIR but was having issues finding any that weren’t already laying or hatched & that didn’t need to be shipped. I desired only fertile eggs for me & my kids for Spring Break - they are going through a lot & wanted something they could take care of & feel connected with when they are allowed to come see me. So in my desire for such specifics, I had to get what was available to me, which is a surprise basket of 36 babies lol. Although at the moment I think I’ve decreased that by one & Mother Nature has by two, so I may only have 33 eggs of which I am only expecting 35% to hatch.

So until they hatch, I haven’t a clue what cuties are coming! Did anyone see my “This Egg is Happy to See You” post & picture?
I am Kara and I live in Calgary, Alberta. Looking to get 3 chickens next month, hopefully... Coronavirus is possibly going to postpone it, which would really suck. Where can I find feed in Canada? Would really like to make my own, if possible.
I am Kara and I live in Calgary, Alberta. Looking to get 3 chickens next month, hopefully... Coronavirus is possibly going to postpone it, which would really suck. Where can I find feed in Canada? Would really like to make my own, if possible.
Hi Kara! Welcome! :frow :welcome I am east of Calgary. What kind of chickens do you want? What part of Calgary? You can find feed at North Forty feeds Cochrane, UFA in Airdrie, Lone Star feeds S E on 22x, or way south Peavey Mart in High River or east to Strathmore. If you are new to chickens, it is easier to just buy your feed.
Hi Calgarians!! I am in a desperate situation!! I only had ONE of my eggs hatch 😔 and my poor little guy needs buddies or I’m afraid he’s not going to make it 😣 I can’t find a feed store who has chicks, can’t mail order from a hatchery, and am having no luck find anyone with chicks close by. Anyone have chicks or know if chicks I can find ASAP?! Thanks so much!
Hi Calgarians!! I am in a desperate situation!! I only had ONE of my eggs hatch 😔 and my poor little guy needs buddies or I’m afraid he’s not going to make it 😣 I can’t find a feed store who has chicks, can’t mail order from a hatchery, and am having no luck find anyone with chicks close by. Anyone have chicks or know if chicks I can find ASAP?! Thanks so much!
Kijiji is a good source.

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