Cape Town, South Africa

Fantastic! Very impressed. We found a second hand ostrich incubator and hoping to convert it. Let me know how your little one is doing.
Sadly, the one chick who didn't absorb his yolk fully after hatch died this morning, so now I just have the one little lonely Light Sussex left. The one that is left is doing well though.
What a pity. Will hold thumbs for your little one. I have some cornish cross broilers, got them as one day olds, they are all 4 weeks old now and weigh about 1.3kgs. There is a little one with them - she struggled from the beginning and she is not even 300g yet, but she is doing fine and fighting for her food against all the other giants!! Some of them are real survivors!
Where did you get your broilers from? I am struggling to find some to raise myself. The first time we bought "broiler chicks" which turned out to be a lady selling all the Rooster chicks of a Red sex-link layer hatch. I had some ordered now, but the supplier had baboons break into his hatchery and damage a lot of his stock so he had to cancel my order
I would really love to locate a supplier so we can raise our own chickens for meat!
Hi, how many one day old broiler chicks are you looking for, may be we can help. Send me your contact details.
I was going to order 100 from the previous supplier and split the order with 2 other people. I would ideally like to order about 100 in March and then another 100 in September from someone who can supply good meaties :) I will PM you my email address
Thank you for the welcome
I am a "accidental" chicken owner because I picked up a chick a week ago and hes so sweet and tame but hes lonely so I got advice on here to get him a friend or two and the pet shop I went to today said that there chicks are hens because they were bred to be born red when they are hens and yellow when they are cocks so I will get him a friend or two tomorow.

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