I got word that Belle Farm will be making it to the event but will be making a donation to the raffle!!
A few of the birds I have available:

Exhibition Black orpington cockerel - he is pet quality but going to be massive!! Approx 3 months old

3 buff bantam orpington cockerels - pet quality

2 Cuckoo bantam orpington cockerels - would make a great cross for LF orp hens

Lavender Bantam orpington cockerel - developed a side sprig but a gorgeous boy!!!

4 white silkie chicks, one is a showgirl. Approx 2 months old genders unknown

Cuckoo bantam marans cockerel

Black copper marans cockerel - from nice dark egg

Splash showgirl hen - bearded but pq

Gold cuckoo marans hen, has a broken tail, angles down. Just started laying, nice size egg! **SOLD**

Will have chocolate bantam orps, lavender bantam orps, cuckoo bantam orps in limited numbers and "pre-ordered" only.

**Forgot to mention that I have a self blue/lavender Modern Game Bantam pair available as well, should start laying very soon. **
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I will try to bring eggs from all my breeding pens that are laying and I haven't pre-sold. Hard to know who will be laying in a few weeks but I hope to have Marans eggs from my blue copper roo over blue and black copper hens,
right now I have a BLRW roo over SLW hens but may change them back around in another week or two as I set all the eggs I want so they may be pure SLW or maybe mixed color, depending on those hens and their acceptance.
I will try to bring eggs from a few different Sizzle pens,
two separate Frizzle pens and
bantam Cochins in blue Columbian pet project.
I will also try to bring some eggs from my Mottled pens if I have not pre-sold those. I have had a lot of inquires into these eggs already though.
Maybe some Guinea eggs in lavender and chocolate.
I could bring Easter Egger eggs from 2 different pens and blue base roos.
And maybe ducks eggs if anyone is laying still.

okay, I know what "pet quality" means as far as dogs and cats, but ??

unless something remarkable that I have no clue about -you cant spay/neuter a chicken right? OKAY, so new here,...
LOL Don't worry about the questions. We all start somewhere.

Pet quality meaning not something to show and possibly nothing anyone would breed but I breed pet quality all the time for fun projects. I say pet quality so no one looks for something to add to a breeding program which I would then consider a breeder quality.
I will try to bring eggs from all my breeding pens that are laying and I haven't pre-sold. Hard to know who will be laying in a few weeks but I hope to have Marans eggs from my blue copper roo over blue and black copper hens,
right now I have a BLRW roo over SLW hens but may change them back around in another week or two as I set all the eggs I want so they may be pure SLW or maybe mixed color, depending on those hens and their acceptance.
I will try to bring eggs from a few different Sizzle pens,
two separate Frizzle pens and
bantam Cochins in blue Columbian pet project.
I will also try to bring some eggs from my Mottled pens if I have not pre-sold those. I have had a lot of inquires into these eggs already though.
Maybe some Guinea eggs in lavender and chocolate.
I could bring Easter Egger eggs from 2 different pens and blue base roos.
And maybe ducks eggs if anyone is laying still.
Sent you a PM :)
About half of my birds are pre-sold but I still have some to sell.
Here is a pair that I am selling. They are from my Mille Fleur bantam Cochin project. The pullet was laying but is now in molt. The cockeral is only a few months old and has yet to fill out well. The pair is $25.

Another pair I have for sale in bantam Cochin.
The pullet is laying and is from my Mille Fleur/Mottled cross but lacks enough color for me to use her. The cockeral is from pure Mottleds and lives in my Silkie pen since they hatched and raised him. He is 4 months old but not crowing yet. $25


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