Cat stuck in tree

Chicken poppy

Fashionably late 🎤🦆
May 9, 2021
Im sorry i know cats arent supposed to be here and i will delete this after i promise. But this is really bad. My cat is stuck up around 30 feet in a tree, its skinny, theres a bald eagle nearby, its very windy, shes meowing and i think blood is on her lip. PLEASE help.
I know its hard to see but look to the top of the Image. Shes been outside sense last night and its like 20 degrees. Im so scared for her. Its swaying bad with wind. Animal control people dont open til12

EDIT: she has been taken to a vet, i made a update if you scroll down. She broke her jaw, ripped out her claw and possibly hurt her tail.
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Considering how many branches are available for her to grab onto, I don't think there is much risk of her falling and getting hurt that way.

Maybe crack open a can of some really smelly food (tuna might be a good choice) and see if she makes her way down on her own?
Thank you everyone, i really appreciate It. She got down safely, and did it very carefully and worked her way around all the branches, but unfortunately i think she hurt herself very bad, something is wrong with her jaw. Its bloody and a tooth is gone, i think it could be broke. Her claws are a little bloody to, poor things eyes are closed and shes just sitting there. I feel awful. Im checking for ticks right now.
shes under the bed. I know its really hard to see, but if you look theres crusty blood sticking out. She was licking it but now she stopped. i know i need to take her to a vet. But is there anything i can do until then. It would be really expensive, and id like to do anything i can to comfort her first.

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