Cell Phone Ettiquette (or lack thereof)...

Similar story. I was in a public restroom and a women was talking on her phone. There was one of those "super blowers" you know the extremely powerful and noisy ones. So I washed my hands and went to dry them, and I like my hands to be DRY when I'm done, and she gave me the dirtiest look when I didn't just stick them under there for a second or two. Well, let me tell you, my hands got extra dry that day
in the library last night, this woman was having a fight with her sister, because she didn't want to change her plans and it went on for 15 min, then she hung up and called her 'husband' and yelled at him, the whole library must have heard. she was still at it when i left.
Anywhere - I think cell phones are the ultimate of rude! I understand the necessity of having one but, please, excuse yourself and go outside or somewhere where we all don't have to listen to your conversation!
The first time my husband ever used a cellphone was in the restroom doing his business. He had dropped me off at the emergency room that morning and took my cell. He knew it would be a call about my status and he was going to take it no matter what. Luckily no one else was around.

I don't believe that folks ALWAYS talk louder on their cells, but that is where the rudeness comes from. I don't think it is rude to talk on a cell phone in a normal conversational voice anywhere it is ok to have a conversation. Some people seem to be offended that they can only eavesdrop on 1/2 of the conversation.

I don't think it's always rude to talk on a cell in a restaurant. I was supposed to meet my mom and husband for lunch, but had trouble finding the place. I had been playing phone tag with them. My husband didn't have reception so he went out one door just as I found it and went in the other door. I answered his call in a whisper to tell him I was inside at the table. I kept the whole conversation to a few whispered words and still I got a few glares. That's the kind of situation where people just need to M.Y.O.B.
I hate it when people talk in the library on the cell.Loud ring and even louder talking.I turn my ringer off.It is a rooster crow and it still makes me jump.I can imagine it in a library.The library does have a large sign asking patrons to turn off phones.

My dh is an OTR driver and he hears people in the bathroom stalls talking.Now I know people have hands=free blue tooth and all that,but do you really need to talk while using the toilet???

I hate seeing people holding phones while driving.Atleast get an ear piece so both hands are on the wheel.I never answer the phone while driving.

Lol,I used to think people were talking to me sometimes when they were on a blue tooth phone,but I did not see the ear piece right away.
I'll tattle on DH...

We were having dinner at the home of some friends. I look over and he is checking the game scores on his BlackBerry while we are having after dinner coffee. I could have brained him. It would have been better if he had been obvious about it and said 'hey, I have to check the game scores', but he is quietly clicking away, leaving all of us sitting there staring and wondering what on earth he is doing.

Silly man.

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