Cheryl's Hen House...

Oh, well, hard to train cat...why I banned them years ago(after years of having them).
I like cats.....when they live at someone else's house, haha!
Oh, well, hard to train cat...why I banned them years ago(after years of having them).
I like cats.....when they live at someone else's house, haha!

Cheryl wants cat. End of story.
The babies put themselves to bed tonight.
Most of them are on the roosts. There is a few in a pile in the corner of the poop tray but it's pretty cool here tonight so I didn't argue with them. Pretty cool that they figured it out so soon.
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Little more coop progress today. Lots of other this on my list as well. Worked in the garden. Had a couple of guys that work me helping out this morning. Those guys were mulching landscape beds, dealing with firewood etc... Cheryl and I were working in the garden.

Finally got to the coop list this afternoon. I built the other corbel for the porch roof and a window box for the front window. I'm trying a little something different on the window box this time. It's made from red cedar but I put 1/2" HWC in the bottom so we could use plants in 6" pots vs actually filling the window box with potting soil. We'll see how that goes.

Here's the beginning f the window box.


And the finished product.



I got the roof corbels and the window box painted and installed along with a hanging plant that Cheryl got for the corner of the coop. Earlier this week I installed some solar pathway lights as well.



I modified the PVC feeders earlier in the week as well. I saw some like this on Pintrest and decided to give it a try. The are PVC pipe caps cut in half and attached to the of the 90 degree fitting. Works great at keeping the kids from raking the feed out of the feeders onto the floor.

Speaking of the kids, they are growing like weeds. So much fun to sit with them. They are getting more and more used to us.




It was a bittersweet day. Our 3 beautiful BCM cockerels went to their new home today.
I'm still holding out some hope for the BLRW that appears to be a cockerel also so he/she is staying for a few more weeks to make for sure. He/she is going to be a gorgeous chicken so it would be a heart breaker of it is not a pullet. Time will tell. We are experiencing chicken math in reverse. Started with 12. Down to 9 now and likely will end up with only 8.

Edit: Completely forgot to say that they ate some bread out of my hand for the first time today. That was pretty cool!!
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That's great that they're eating out of your hands now. I have been very lucky, all of my baby chicks have ended up being female. Roosters will soon not be allowed in the city limits here. Don't worry, chicken math will start turning around the right way soon. I started with three and now I have nine :)

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