Chick can't close one eye


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Hello all. I am a new chick owner, my first go at this. We have 9 chicks all doing great a week old today. We have one chick however who came home with one eye gunked close we cleaned her eye with a cloth and warm water and she was able to open it. It has since then been gunked which I daily clean according to the hatchery it is a blocked tear duct. Now I have noticed the past couple of days when she sleeps only one eye is closed, the "bad" eye is stuck open. I still clean it water cloth and sometimes a q tip. I called a vet but mo response back, no posts on the Internet that I can find. An clues? Suggestions or experience? Just don't know what to do to help her. Many thanks!
I am to raising chicks myself, I do know however with baby humans this is very common in the first year of life. What to do with humans is a hot compress and massaging the tear duct area which is near the nose and corner of the eye. This can open the duct. I hope this helps!
I will try that for sure, just wish she could close her eye again. Thank you for the suggestion very excited to be apart of the community and learn as we start this new adventure with our gals!
Hey welcome Im a newby two been at it for about 5 months it's so fun the chickens crack me up and so I decided to get ducks oh I love them then I orderd 7 exotic chickens and a turkey I'm soo hooked lol
Greetings from Kansas and
! Pleased to have you aboard! You might post your issue in the link below for some more expert advice! Good luck to you!
I'm new but had a thought about your situation
I was taught by a doctor years ago to use Johnson's baby shampoo (no tears formula) on a q-tip on the eyelid. I wonder if anyone else would consider trying it on a chicken?
I tried a warm compress for a bit last night, and she was able to close her eye! Gunked again today but did the Same thing tonight and again she could get it closed. She is still eating great and drinking and socializing s I will keep it p until I see any difference... Hope she will grow out of it or. Find a solution. Thank you for all of the advise and for the warm welcomes! I am thrilled to have this community and the new ladies in my life!

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