chick closed eyes chirping constantly RIP

Hedwig's my Polish Grandmother's name.
Good to hear that the chick is doing better! That is great news!!!

I had a whole list of names...spotted cow beat me to it;)
My chick, (Hedwig) was looking soo good the past 2 days, now when she breathes, it makes a clicking noise. And her beak has turned bright pink(?). Slept all day. Another thing I just noticed is that her wing feathers have not grown. Everyone else has nice size wings.
Help, I'm afraid she'll die. She has been eating and drinking, and I've been giving her penicillin drops. -Karen
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I wish I knew what to tell you, but I don't. Sometimes I think there's something wrong from the get go and there's just nothing we can do about it. It happens to all of us at one time or another.
Are her nares/nostrils clear? Is the whole beak pink or just the cere (fleshy part at the top)? Did she sleep more than the other chicks?

Being behind in feather development wouldn't worry me too much if she is eating and drinking well.

LOVE the name!
Her beak was like the rest of them yesterday, a pale color. Today, the beak is a dark pink, and its the entire beak, not the nares or the cere.
Thanks, Karen

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