Chick sitting on head?


Apr 20, 2017
Hi all! New to chickens and learning lots here. Out of 16 chicks (variety of breeds), we have one that just can't wait to jump on my hand anytime I'm near them. And from my hand, she goes up my arm to my shoulder and then straight to the top of my head. Is this normal? Does it mean anything? I understand dog behavior but I don't speak chicken yet ;-)

Disregard the crazy faces!

That is so cute. I had a few chicks that always would seek the highest tallest point they could get to and just sit there. They always turned out to be roosters. Not saying yours is a rooster, maybe it just likes your head. How funny
Normal......they will seek the highest place...
....and you might want to discourage the jumping on your body un-invited,
especially near the eyes, eyes are shiny and beaks are sharp and fast.

Agrees the most 'friendly', 'adventurous', and 'brave' chicks are frequently males.
This is merely the instinctual need chicks have to seek the highest point they can find. As they learn the art of perching, you will be amazed at the spots they end up. Sometimes you have a hard time finding them if they're in a coop because they seek out braces between studs and other esoteric places too small for you to even consider.

I've had grown hens fly onto my head to evade the unwanted attentions of a rooster. This behavior isn't always a dominance thing.
It IS cute, but as other's have said, I would discourage this behavior for your safety.
I have a couple of girls that have tried to fly onto my shoulder, and this was the result of the first time it happened:

This happened REALLY quickly and she immediately pecked at my eye. I turned my head just in time but it could have been a very different outcome rather than just a couple of scratches.
Enjoy your chickens, but please be safe!

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