Chick stuck in glue trap...


5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
One of my baby chicks flew out of the brooding box and got stuck on a glue trap which I forgot to take up in my sunroom. I removed her and she seems to be fine other than missing feathers on her chest. I used vegetable oil to help get her off but she was really embedded by the time I got to her. I bathed her in warm water and oatmeal wash but her chest is still real sticky. The other chicks are pecking at her bare skin now. I am new to raising chicks and I assume her feathers will grow back? She lost mostly down as her feathers are just beginning. Wings and tail feathers seem to be fine. Any suggestions for the parts with no feathers?
Thanks so much for the tip. I will try it. Poor little fella seems to be doing fine but sure looks pitiful! I've just loved on her and held her close all day.

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