chick with bloody toe


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Erie PA
For some reason the other chicks picked the toe of the little silkie. Then they were all chasing the poor thing and pecking the toe. Just a tiny injury but they are acting like maniacs. I had to seperate the chick. Now it's crying for the others. Any advice. I tried a bandaid but it cant walk with it, so i took it off. I don't have any blue kote will anything else work/\\
I've read on here to use blue food coloring in a pinch. and make sure theres no blood, even little chicks will become cannibals when seeing blood. I know crazy but true.. just what ever you use make sure it's not red.. after putting her back keep an eye on them just in case you have to get her out quick.. good luck
well they left that foot alone and started on the other one. I know it's not the feathered feet because there is another feather foot in there and they leave that one alone. It also isn't the smallest. So why this one. Looks like I get to hand raise this one.
sounds like it, hard to figure out why they will single out one from another. Looks like your gonna be a mommie to a little chick. did they mess with it after you put the dye on it?
They still picked with the dye on. After i removed that one, they went after the remaining bantams so i seperated the bantams from the slw and everyone is doing fine. Just have 2 brooder area's to keep an eye on. I did try one of the slw chicks with one of the basement silkies and she ignored the chick. Was worth the try.

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