Chick With Curled Toes

I have put dimes on the bottom of my chicks foot and used bread ties cut in half, then bent in half, and used medical tape to make a boot. It actually looks like little white boots and it is able to walk with this on. So I'm going thru the same things. I hope your chick gets its feet corrected.
my chicks foot loks better but its out to the side and baby is still having trouble putting wieght on it.what should i do??

We had a chick that had both problems, curled toes and splayed leg - she's still very small and hobbles around. Looks like her hip is out of socket, but she seems content, so...
All that to say this, we tried this and it helped her walk. She had to wear them a week or two... she's over 6 weeks old now. Hope it helps.
We had a chick that had curled toes too. We made him little booties with cardboard on the bottom shaped like the foot, but the sticky parts of bandaids on the top, like missprissy said, & after about a week, they were straightened out! It's magical!!!
Older,we ended up giving him away he was to hard on the hens,he had no problems getting around he just sounded like he had flip flops on when he ran
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I'm also experiencing feet problems. Sadly my incubator (a little giant) for no descernible reason spiked to 110 while I was gone one day. Now the babies are hatching and I have 3 with funky feet. One has toes that bend but has learned to walk and deal with it. But I have two a few hours old and one is probably going to be okay, the other though, her toes curl conpletely underneath her foot and her hock is already all red from the way she walks on it. My question is I made her a little shoe out of a make up sponge (about 1/4" thick), but I worry can this cripple her because of her legs now being diferent lengths. Maybe I need to try the band-aid method, I tried it first but did it wrong and it came off. But the picture on here looks like it would work well.
I have not read all the way thru this but I have had 100% success with just using the 2 sticky ends of the bandaid fused together over the foot without any cardboard.
I am so glad I found this thread. I just hatched out some chicks....well, I took over for my husband as he had to leave out of state while they were to hatch.....I did help 3 out. In two of the three I've noticed foot issues....the one chick, all toes are curled on just one foot. I've taken her out and played with her foot, she doesn't seem to mind but it always curls back. The other one, I just noticed this morning for the first time, one toe looks a little crooked....not too bad really....just hadn't noticed it before. I've wondered what to do with the one with the crooked foot because otherwise she looks great so NOW I think I'm going to just band aid up her foot!!! Thanks for this info!!!! Who'd have known?!?!!?

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