Chicken attacked and missing skin

At this point I don’t know if she’s going to make it. She didn’t eat enough today and threw up all of what I gave her a few hours ago. I don’t think she will eat on her own because her eyes are usually closed and is just focusing on breathing. I want to take her to the vet to get assessed or get euthanized so she’s not suffering but we can’t afford it at the moment but this is killing me every waking second. I don’t know what to do at this point, I’ve tried all of the methods you all have offered, I genuinely appreciate your support and encouragement. It may take a few more days, but it’s just a feeling I have about this because of our connection. She also hasn’t really been pooping because she hasn’t been eating/keeping it down.
If you can't get a vet, I know of a quick and painless way to do it. It's sad but I've had to put my animals out of their misery before.
Do you happen to know where I can get a tube for this?
I watched a video here and the lady mentioned aquarium tubing and using a ligther to melt the edges of the part you will insert so it is not so sharp.. But when I went to the pet store they only had one size and it was too large for my bird.

He was a very small bantam. I looked around and found an extra IV set up from when I had to give a cat subcutaneous fluids and used that.

Actually with the neck injury a smaller tube might be better. I also wouldn't overload her on the first feeding even though you will want to.
I watched a video here and the lady mentioned aquarium tubing and using a ligther to melt the edges of the part you will insert so it is not so sharp.. But when I went to the pet store they only had one size and it was too large for my bird.

He was a very small bantam. I looked around and found an extra IV set up from when I had to give a cat subcutaneous fluids and used that.

Actually with the neck injury a smaller tube might be better. I also wouldn't overload her on the first feeding even though you will want to.
I’ve had to create a way of feeding her very slowly so she doesn’t throw it up and it’s working becuase right now she pooped what I’ve been giving her and I was wondering if you would all know if this is good or not? Sorry for the visuals but it’s best if you see what I’m seeing. Thank you chicNmom.


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It depends. How long did it stay in her? It doesn't really look digested.
What did you feed her?
I fed her the mixture of what I said earlier in the post of baby bird feed mixed with three drops of poly vi sol daily and baby aspirin twice (1/4 tablet).
Although I am all for trying to save injured chickens and know about their amazing resilience, in this case I would immediately end her misery, as this injury is way to severe to heal and allow her to live life normally.
The missing structures/muscles will not grow back like a piece of missing skin could.
Sometimes it makes more sense to spare them further agony.
Hello all, I am sad to tell you she has passed away as of last night. My journey with her was short but not short in love and connection. I am glad she is no longer suffering and can exist in another form perhaps, but is no longer in this form. I appreciate all of your help and concern and I wish you the best with your feathered friends. I hope this article can help others in frantic need of information regarding a similar situation and can perhaps heal, or end the suffering of their beloved companion. Thank you all individually for helping me, genuinely. Every response submitted from each person meant so much and the devotion from you all is so beautiful. Thank you for your consistency and compassion ChicNmom & that_crazy_lady. I wish I could’ve ended her suffering sooner but I couldn’t bring myself to end it with my own hands, I have too much optimism (even if blind.) Lessons were learned and I have a responsibility to myself and my other chickens to help, heal and understand their needs and what should be done in accordance to them. I wish you all love and happiness❤️

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