Chicken Behavior & Welfare class thread! (free & online)


previously jwehl // dogs & cats & squirrels oh my!
Nov 3, 2020
Atlanta GA
Hi everyone! I signed up to take a free class on Coursera titled "Chicken Behavior and Welfare". If you arent familiar with Coursera, you can take all their classes for free (equivilent to auditing a class) or you can pay and end up with some type of certificate of completion. I am not endorsing their paid program- I dont know anything about that.

Anyway! Mine is starting today, but you can start (or restart later if you forget about it) whenever fits for you. In the free version, you can set whatever pace you want but there is a suggested pace, as being held to deadlines is helpful for most people, but its obviously pretty lowkey.

I'm hoping we could maybe get a group together to keep each other motivated. So, I guess I'll be documenting my progress here and I hope yall join me.

(I chose this forum because I think the class would be helpful in managing flocks, but mods please move if its better suited elsewhere)

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