Chicken books I love

Lisa Arbour

8 Years
Mar 1, 2013
I'm a HUGE reader (probably bad wording!) and hopefully it's okay with BYC to pass along chicken-related titles that I really enjoy. I would also enjoy hearing from others about books that they enjoyed or found helpful. I just read for the second time "Once Upon a Flock" by Lauren Scheuer. It is a wonderful, sweet book about her decision to raise chickens and the trials and tribulations she encountered. I enjoyed it so much, I chose it as my selection for our local book club.
One of my favorite books is called "Enslaved by Ducks". It is a hilarious read and the author is incredibly nice (He emailed me once and I was able to talk to him a bit). He has a sequel which I have not yet read, but I heard it was good. I heard it was more serious though. Enslaved by Ducks is the story of a guy who decides to move to a plot of land and start raising some farm animals, and all the antics that ensue. I should go back and re-read the book because I read it quite a few years ago when I was in highschool. I'm sure I would enjoy it even more now.
I finally got around to reading "Fresh Eggs Daily" by Lisa Steele. It is a WONDERFUL book and resource. She shares her methods for raising chickens holistically and naturally. I have tried several of her suggestions, and my chickens look great. Everybody comments on how beautiful and healthy they look. I would highly recommend this book for anybody who wants to raise "happy, healthy chickens."
Thanks so much for the recommendation! I just received two new books, but haven't read them yet. One is "Chickens in the Road" and the other is "Fresh Eggs Daily." Both authors have websites and blogs, and because I enjoy the blogs, I ordered their books. Thanks again.
'Once Upon a Flock' is a great book. Made me feel normal with my chicken love. Funny thing, I was at the feed store today, waiting for my missing hubby at the book/magazine area and I spied 'The Little Red Hen'. I fully remembered that book from my childhood. Kinda felt like a dork reading it in the middle of the store, but it made me happy.
I don't think you should have felt like a dork at all! I love finding and buying books from my childhood for my granddaughter. I don't know who enjoys reading them more--me or her. Okay...yes I's me!

My son got me a couple of books for this Mother's Day and I was wondering if any of you have read them and if so, are they as good as the reviews I've read about on other pages.

The first one is "Raising Chickens for Dummies" by Kimberly Willis and Rob Ludlow. His second acquisition was "Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry" by Leonard S. Mercia. Plus, he also got me a Grit Country Skills Series "Guide to Backyard Chickens" magazine and threw one of the Grit Series magazines on Rabbits, too.

I'm also planning to get a few other books, mainly 2 I'm drooling over by Gail Damerow as well as a long list of others. lol I've started the Chickens for Dummies book, mainly browsing it right now and so far it looks decent. The other one I've already browsed through. They look to be very interesting and I just wanted a poll of what others thought and any other books anyone may want to recommend for general knowledge.

Thank you ahead of time for anything you can offer.

Alice Walker's "The Chicken Chronicles: Sitting with the Angels Who Have Returned with My Memories: Glorious, Rufus, Gertrude Stein, Splendor, Hortensia, Agnes of God, the Gladyses, & Babe: A Memoir."
I have storey's guide to raising chickens (not poultry though). I LOVE mine! Everything you could ever want to know.
I read a book called "the hen who dreamed she could fly". A cute if sad story from a hen's
I also own "once upon a flock". I LOVE that one! Such great illustrations and wonderful stories!

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