Chicken Breed Focus - Ayam Cemani

As my boys age I do notice more mulberry showing up in the wattles. They are 7 months old now. However since my the hurricane hit all of my girls went into a severe heavy molt! So I get no eggs from 17 hens. 2 of which are AC hens but still. eggs!

Dang, that sucks, ross... :hugs

I'm getting a steady 1 or 2 eggs a day from my 2 girls...
:hugs. Thanks girl! I miss you! I am going to try and be on a bit more...I seriously miss my byc family!

Missed ya too!! But understand busy... been a bit busy too... see? ;)

I have a pair of Cemani an unrelated male and female that are direct first generation from A breeder who bought her stock from Greenfire. As babies both of them were completely black. No white toenails no leakage whatsoever. As my rooster grew and is now about nine months old he has some leakage in his hackle feathers. I'll try to post some pics. Since these are strictly pet quality for myself and friends I have the first set of five eggs incubating at the moment. My female is perfect. No leakage. Absolutely beautiful. Other then the leakage and his Hackel my rooster is perfect as well. So I am interested to see what their first generation babies will look like. I'm hoping that the leakage will disappear in The babies. If not I will probably just keep the females from my flock. I plan to have about half a dozen or so because I absolutely love these birds. but I am interested to see if the leakage will breathe out in the next generation. I'm not expecting it to.

I am in the Tampa, Florida area. So if anyone is interested in any free fertilized eggs from my pair, I am more than happy to share. My female lays about one egg a day. I will keep you guys updated as my babies hatch in about 10 days. I'm very curious to see what comes out.



I am raising my first batch of Ayam cemani chickens. They are now 9 weeks old and looking good.

They are very active and fast growers compared to my lavender orpingtons. They are skittish but also very curious. It's looking like I ended up with 2 cockerels and 4 pullets. I look forward to when they start laying!
@mrsobe1, they're looking good!

I'm also raising my first group of Ayam cemani. The 3 oldest are about 10 weeks old and they younger ones are about 8 weeks. They're growing fast and beautiful! I think i have 5 cockerels and maybe 3 pullets (still not positive on that one). 2 of the boys were showing leakage but the rest are still jet back. The two "leaky" ones have already moved out to the big coop with the main flock so i don't have any pictures of them but here are some of the others :) The bigger one is Onyx, one of the 10 week olds. He's such a big sweet heart!





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Here's my fibro flock. Some are AC some are SH. I mixed them up and now I don't know who is who. Any tips on how to differentiate is the pullet on the right in the first picture is my Araucana. She hatched when the fibros did so she's part of their flock.
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Thanks. Yours look great too! What exactly is considered leakage? Is that when you can see red in the comb? Or different color feathers?

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