Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

@Nanna34 so sorry about losing your chook to the dog..
Altogether we have five rescue dogs that all met chickens when they were adults, and its always a gamble, but we've been lucky so far. touch wood. Lots of supervised exposure and some good initial smacks I guess..But when my anxiety plays up I still have visions of coming home to them just lying there dead after one of the dogs got bored or something, even though it has never happened. On the other hand the dogs protect them from cats and mongoose..
I just hope the new orps will distract you! Orpingtons are the best! So sweet and tame and cuddly! Dont forget to post pics. They are large fowl, right? Big round soft balls!
Why does everyone like chicken for dinner.. We have cyotoes, not us per say but Arizona as a whole does... They at least eat them.. Dog's just think they are a toy.. One minute when the human is looking they are just smelling.. But the minute you are not watching they gotta have them..
Condolence from us.. :hugs
Or you can have a dog that want's to eat cat for dinner.. Here is our German Shepard trying to urge our cat to play, she is waiting patiently for her to make a move..

Also, don't forget to post up your photos for the 2016 BYC calendar here..
Hello everyone. I was wondering if there was anyone who sold duck eggs in the KZN area?

Hey there! I don't know anyone who has for sale at the moment.
However i will be hatching ducklings in September and October if things go well. 
I can let you know.

Awe, our whole family love's our duck's!! Here is the couple.. Rick & Lauren

Here is their egg compared to wild dove egg's, Cotunix quail and our flock at the top... The duck egg is at the bottom.
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We are postponing our trip to next weekend (after payday so we can get more orpingtins
) I cant wait for the splashes I already have people askung for chicks lol. The place I buy my hay from has a mallard duck breeding trio she is giving me eggs yay!
This is my splash bantam orp called Bun waking up in the morning in bed. She is my absolute baby and sleeps on my pillow.

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Awe, our whole family love's our duck's!! Here is the couple.. Rick & Lauren

Here is their egg compared to wild dove egg's, Cotunix quail and our flock at the top... The duck egg is at the bottom.

Aw they so cute
... I've just started out with incubating but I'm struggling to find someone who sells and delivers duck eggs. Do you sell or know anyone that does?
Awe, our whole family love's our duck's!! Here is the couple.. Rick & Lauren

Here is their egg compared to wild dove egg's, Cotunix quail and our flock at the top... The duck egg is at the bottom.

Aw they so cute
... I've just started out with incubating but I'm struggling to find someone who sells and delivers duck eggs. Do you sell or know anyone that does?

We got our duck flock from a feed store and a breeder as ducklings. I know there is a thread just for hatching.. Duck's, from what I have read have a hard time hatching.. The humidity has to be just right. We are in the US.. I will post up some hatcheries that I know of. You can call them & ask them if they know anyone where you live.. We love our duck's so much.. The 2 silver Swedish we raised by hand & are friendly .. I can pick them up easy, but not the Muscovies.. They are okay with me being around them but freak out I'd I try to hold them.. Duck's are healthier than chicken's, their egg's taste better, they lay just as much or even move than our chicken's.. We use the pond water to water our plant's.. Also, do you have moringa tree's in your community ? I will post up a link on all of the information about the tree.. Super for growing food for your flock & yourself.. That are beautiful ..
Here is a photo of our Muscovies .


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