May 24, 2024
My poor little lady Honey disappeared about 3 days ago, and we thought she had died. My other chicken, Pumpkin, had been with her, and she was in the small patch of trees behind our house, screaming for help. I ran up there to help, and she came out of the trees clearly upset about something. Honey was nowhere to be seen. She reappeared a few hours later, panting, and seemingly upset. But she had no outward injuries of any kind.

For the next 3 days, Honey walked around panting and clearly overheated since we were having a heatwave. She was still bright eyed and foraging with the rest of them though. She drank lots of water, was eating normal, still laying eggs, and still wanted treats. But she was clingier with me than normal.

Today, the whole flock (of 5) were on the edge of our property. They were screaming yet again and came running toward me for help, Honey in tow. I did not see any other animals in the yard. Honey came over to me, her feathers dull, and a cut on her foot. Still panting and holding her wings from her body. She then started gasping for breath and was bleeding from her mouth. She ran over to drink some electrolyte water and ate some of the watermelon I’d given them that morning, and then she laid down, and died, blood pooling from her mouth. It all happened in a matter of minutes.

I checked her body after she passed, and besides the cut on her foot, everything was normal.

I’m really really really upset and I’m not sure what caused this. All of the other chickens are completely fine.

I had some ideas, like maybe she was attacked a few days ago and got internal bleeding? Or maybe she injested something that caused it? Or maybe she had gapeworm? (Though I don’t know why she would bleed from that).

My mom already buried her before I realized we should’ve sent her to a lab to be tested. I think it’s too late for that now. I’m really sad and I’ve been crying all day about this. Does anyone have any insight?
I highly suspect Honey was attacked by a predator, possibly a hawk. She managed to escape but received internal injuries. The internal injuries (unknown to you) took her life.
I'm sorry for your loss and wish you the best.

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