Quacking ducks

Premium Feather Member
May 31, 2019
I have chickens and ducks. they have separate coops but have the same run. what is the best thing to put on the ground in the coops and run? The ducks soak the run and make it all mud and smell like a pig pen and the chickens dig holes that make me trip when hauling water in.

I have heard some people like to use granite sand in the run. has anybody use granite sand in the run? how do you like it? Is it rough on the birds feet? what is the best thing to use to keep it from smelling so bad and being so muddy?

Deep deep mulch, like woodchips, bark, leaves, wood shavings, anything really high in carbon. That will soak up moisture and nitrogen from poop, also slowly composting down. It needs to ne proper deep though at least 4 inches. In my opinion it's the best option, as the poop mixes in and decomposes. I've been using this for 4 years and it's great. My run never smells. I don't have ducks, but I do get a lot of rain.

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