Chicken Farts

I have a nest box in my house. My house is small and has no internal doors.
The nest box is about 10 feet from my bed. It's been occupied a lot since I installed it. For a particular group of chickens here it's their preferred nest box and they sit and hatch their chicks in it.
One hen called Ruffles (she the hen in my avatar) has sat and hatched in this nest box 3 times now.
I was lying in my bed one night, it's very quiet here, listening to the night wildlife outside when I hear this strange raspy type sound. I had absolutely no idea what it was. I got up to try and locate it. As soon as I turned the lights on the sound stopped.:confused:
After a couple more location attempts I just lay on my bed trying to pinpoint the sound.
Eventually it became apparent that it was near the nest box. I very quietly got out of bed in the dark and moved carefully to where I though the sound was coming from.
Ruffles was lying in the nest box and she was snoring.:lol:
You guys should smell my 11yr old son's farts... theres been times I've been like "oh god! Somethings dead! " and my son just laughs and says "actually I farted"

I've got 2 Dane mixes. They fart every now and then and scare themselves. They'll jump up off their bed, look back at their butt, then sniff the spot they just farted in like, "why in the world is my bed growling at me?"

Now, personally, I never heard a chicken fart....I think a coop campout is in order here soon... I NEED to hear a chicken fart.
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Oh Good Heavens ... WARN us before you post a video like that ... I almost wet myself, laughing!!!!!

I'm cryin' at the girl in green at 1:43 who does it with her leg. I've never seen that technique before.

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Valid point! Although I didn't escape completely unscathed.
Iv'e told myself it was water, a rouge raindrop, maybe a bug spit on me....just anything other than what it most likely was.
Wasn't brown, so no further investigation, bug spit case closed.:old

Oh this just killed me. Made being up all night and finally getting up at 4 am a much more acceptable thing.

I dont think in would have investigated much further either once I realized it was wet, but not brown.... it was just a random rain drop... or drool, you know from laughing so hard. Yeah that's it. :lau
I've heard some of my girls toot. Took me by surprise. Sometimes when I'm doing the roost head count at night I'll do something different to see if I get a reaction. If I let one rip they start making comments that sound like, "Oh my!", "Did you hear that?", "Well I never!", "Hope it doesn't stink.", etc. Once when it was hot and I had my shirt off, I cupped my hand under my armpit and started cranking my arm to get repeated fart sounds (something I did as a kid). The whole place went absolutely wild; they were all standing up hollering in a clamor with me dancing around and laughing out loud. It was really funny.
Ok, I pondered a thought last night in bed.
I brood in the house and as such my chicks are exposed to many, many farts mostly my husband.
Thing is, a big window rattler would make every chick in the brooder duck down and get quiet.
Only farts had this effect so fart fear is present at birth.
Was there a predator in the past that just butt roared and struck fear in the masses?
Were there fart hawks?
Why is that a thing? Why do they come preloaded to fear taco tuesday? :idunno

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