Chicken Farts

Can you imagine the plucking time they saved doing it like that?
Wheel smeel, this was the dawning of humanity.:highfive:
"Alright Jim, you go around to that side of the bush and drop loin cloth, when I give the signal, let er loose and flush em out towards me, and I'll grab em as they're falling out."

"But Bob, you know we have to air out the meat at least 3 suns before we can eat it when I do this. Why dont you do it?"

"Jim! Be quiet and unleash the kraken!"
Mental image of you pumping a chicken under your arm like bagpipes...
Not under my arms, I want to experience the full fart effect. Those birds are getting squeezed right next to my face...

Yes, I am aware of the potential consequences. I will be sure to document them, if there are any, so everyone here can see why you should never point a loaded chicken at your face.

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