Chicken Farts

Omg! Facebook?:sick

Why would you go there, when you've got us, here?

I'm just kidding. I dont use facebook, and I dont like it, but you're more than welcome to post whatever you want on there! I'm sure a TON of those people on there could use some honest farts....:thumbsup
Yeah...I'm hoping a certain someone sees it.
Kinda "aiming" it at them, if you get my "drift".:gig
Just for the future though, we dont use the "f" word here. It's a dirty word.... lol jk;)

Im always giving my hubby crap for being on facebook all the time, but them I go and spend my free time on facebook for chickens. BYC is so much better than facebook IMO. :thumbsup

Mostly cuz chicken farts:gig
AMEN! Yeah, I go there mostly to see family news and chicken stuff and to keep in touch with members of a club of which I am President. I miss a lot of stuff there cuz I'll go days without looking, but if I'm not at work I'm checking BYC constantly. So much better than Facebook.
AMEN! Yeah, I go there mostly to see family news and chicken stuff and to keep in touch with members of a club of which I am President. I miss a lot of stuff there cuz I'll go days without looking, but if I'm not at work I'm checking BYC constantly. So much better than Facebook.

I only use facebook to get ahold of ppl I lost numbers for. But i got locked out like a month ago for some unknown reason and i just dont care enough to figure out why.

Now if I get locked out of BYC I just might go full fledged nuclear meltdown...
Have you ever had your dog fart? Silent but deadly? Once I was laying in bed with my dog when she was sleeping and she farted at least 3 times.. it stunk so bad i had to leave the room.:th
My old dog who I lost this past march was like that. I would see her look at her butt all confused, then lay back down. It would be until I smelled it that I realized what happened.

If any of my dogs stink up the room they get to leave. I just open a window while I'm shooting them out.
Have you ever had your dog fart? Silent but deadly? Once I was laying in bed with my dog when she was sleeping and she farted at least 3 times.. it stunk so bad i had to leave the room.:th
My Danes sleep in the living room. Those are big dogs with big farts.... I dont think theres enough air, even with the window open, to keep me alive through the night if they slept in the room with me and hubby and baby

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