chicken feet


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 6, 2014
my 2 lavender isabellas have what appears to be a large build up of a calcium like substance on their feet,one of them is limping with it,can any body tell me what it could be and if it is treatable,they have just come off brood and are moulting,could this have anything to do with the feet problem,please help!
That looks very similar to bumblefoot. There should be forms about it elsewhere on this site. Good luck, I hope they get better!
hi, I did have a look on web for bumblefoot,but my chickens feet look more like a lump of chalky substance which is rock hard,tried bathing the feet but it would not shift,dont want to pull it too hard because some of the foot looks a bit raw
Yeah I guess they're right. If it is scaly legs, the scales are lifting off of the feet and they are losing them, and have raw spots and such. I stick their feet in rubbing alcohol for a minute everyday for a while until you see that it is healing. My chicken had a mild case of them and this worked but I'm not sure it will work with your chickens. I guess you can try it.

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