Chicken found alive after 1-2 months of being trapped

Update: She’s made it through the night! I got up 2x in the night to give her more liquid, and she seemed to have more energy this morning. She was lifting her head by herself to drink.
I put some chicken feed in the electrolyte water until it turned to mush and tried giving that to her. She seemed to really like that and drank the broth part of it.
Then she pooped for the first time since finding her, and it was the grossest smelling poop I’ve ever smelled 🤢 but Im taking it as a good sign bc it means her kidneys are still working. She probably had a lot of amonia built up in her system and now it’s got to come out.
I also flipped her, but she flapped wildly and tried to move herself but couldn’t. She couldn’t prop her head up well either, so I flipped her back to the original side that I had her in. I don’t know how long she laid on her side in the crawl space, so that side may still be too sore to lay on. I’ll be calling the vet soon.
Thank you so much everyone!!!! I can’t express how helpful and comforting all your replies were last night!!
I’ll keep you posted.
I don't have the knowledge to make any recommendation. But I think this serves as a good reminder to us all to have nutridrench and such on hand. Not to throw any blame or shame on OP, just emergencies happen at bad times.

I will be watching for updates and wishing for a full and speedy recovery.
I placed the powdered electrolyte mix I had left over in my freezer so it will last longer.I hope it doesn't hurt it.
After she's hydrated, I'd feed her raw egg yolk, 3-4 times a day. And keep up with the medicated wet mash, but also offer plain water here & there. If you decide to get the Nutri-Drench, that can be dropped right into her beak, but I forget the dose (my bottle is down at the coop!) Or you can mix as instructed, and use that water to make her mash with. Keeping my fingers crossed! 🤞

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