CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks

Esther named her turkey poult from the spring Jell-O because of her part full crop. She modified it to Jelmaro so the turkey wouldn't sound like a side dish. She named Rosabelle and Annabelle the turkey hens that raise their babies together

Then there's Cocoa the black English Orpington hen(from a split chocolate pen), Jake the boss man head Marans cock,


As a kid I had a white Rock cock named Moonlight, a ee named Cluck-Cluck, a white polish named Phoenix, a mixed named Blackie and another mutt named Brownie, there was a gold laced bantam cochin named Dr Extra Feathers, a turken named Ugly Betty, and a lot of others I can't remember. My husband named a standard gold laced Cochin Merlin. He was a handsome devil. My partner in crime named one of our keeper cockerels Eli

And here's Fabio and his flowing mane.

Esther also named our Tom turkey the Big Red Tom. Very creative for a burbon red, I know. Ladybird came with her name, so I just kept it, a rehomed burbon red.

Rocky like and bullwinkle
Or like Rocky balboa

But my vote is rocky

[EDITED for content: 10:15 EST Sat]

Sally, thank you! I'll get right to it, if you don't mind; niceties later?

I'd GUESS 2-3?

I think a tad skinny BUT? Others do not. I am PUSHING the nutrients; there is HUGE backstory, here... I suspected nutritional issues from day one. My vet? Just came up with that, I think, as a Hail Mary: he just didn't know how to help her.

Still? Sadie is the first chicken I'VE EVER SEEN UP CLOSE IN MY LIFE that I wasn't cooking for dinner.

I have absolutely zero frame of reference; and she is a semi-wild born hybrid, so? I'm kinda thinking? In culinary terms? We know chickens by a set of standards: Conformation. My guess? Similar to breed conformation, but truly, no idea.

{I should say semi-feral. She has no wild genetic contributors of which I'm aware}

Since Sadie is a hybrid? Mightn't that throw out the conformation rule book, anyway? We have no idea what phenotypic traits are from which lineage if ANY, except the obvious: feather patterns and features and the breed-specific traits, sorta. She has feathered feet. Barred Rocks, if that's her? Do not. Supposedly? Her father did not either. She seems to have traits that make no sense. Recessive? No idea. And then there's hybrid vigor. Hybrids? Unpredictable, or no?

(I just learned what 'barred' or 'barring' meant, yesterday, FYI. I'm afraid, so afraid, that I am not his best advocate. Except? I LOVE Him. Sadly? Love doesn't move mountains, except in fairy tales.)

Body type, in particular? Musculature? Weight? Proportion?

In ligresses or tions, for example? We can't measure by the 'book'. Very many canid 'mutts' defy species' standards, too.

We just have no idea what NORMAL is, for him.

{Do we? Can we? How? I'm dying to know, so I can help not-her.... Tearing my hair out, trying to wrap my head around this.}

In my opinion:

HEALTHY, bright, strongly pigmented, erect and vital Comb and facial features, eyes bright; and disposition fantastic: spirited, loving, devoted, intelligent; huge talker; I STRONGLY SUSPECT a nutrient deficiency with heritable predisposition toward some, strange syndrome/symptoms/anomalies and/or possible [deleterious] genetic mutation/s.

Feathers? Or is it Plumage? GORGEOUS. Excellent sign.

But Sally? Go back a couple weeks? I'd never even been within ten miles of a chicken. NEVER.

Asking me about anything chicken?

Is like asking Buffy The Vampire Slayer about normal high school experience.

I AM educating myself, or trying to; but I'm SO new. Completely naive. I had never stepped in MUD or a BARN until I moved here, practically. Definitely on the barn one: yes: never.

Terrified of cows, not kidding:Demon Beasts. O, I want them to be HAPPY. Just? Be happy elsewhere.

And they're EVERYWHERE, here. I swear? There are more cows than PEOPLE, here. I am SO out of my element. I AM trying. BUt to say I know ANYTHING about a farm animal? I'd be completely misrepresenting reality, and that can not work in Sadie's favor: her best interests, his, are served by my being honest, I truly believe this.

But look at me: I trust the vet who told me she was a girl, for goodness' sake: against my better instincts. Not twice, but three whole times. I did ask; I doubted; I hemmed, hawed. Hencrowing? It's actually a thing, turns out. Fine. Reasonable, given 'her' social circumstances.

And I did further research: crystals, if gout, MAY have migrated to left ovary, I then theorized, based on case studies I read in peer reviewed journals: and kickstarted the right ovary, which, in chickens, is usually NOT used and often has relic 'gonads' in various stages of development, setting into motion a cascade/chain reaction including the release of gonadotropins and androgens, thus leading to 'her' developing secondary male characteristics. Sex reversal in chickens? Turns out? NOT an unheard of phenomenon, either.

I have NOT been idle, on this. I'm trying to learn.

Comb? Spectrum has room for a wide variety of sizes/shapes, etc. So I just buy what they sell me, Sally. Seriously: I know nothing.

Occam's Razor? She's a boy. I argued this time and again. I need to know, too, for health reasons, diet, etc. It's not inconsequential information.

But? THEY INSISTED I WAS NUTS: that he was, indeed, a she.

SO? I know nothing, except that I love Sadie: truly madly deeply, and want/need to help him.

LMAO you crack me up!!! Is like asking Buffy The Vampire Slayer about normal high school experience.

How is SheHe Today?
I mostly name mine after they get a personality worth naming. Except my ducks, I named as they hatched from Sons of Anarchy tv show. I have Opie, Chibs, Tiggy, and Juice. I hatched a turkey with them, she was Gemma. Then I bought 2 day-old golden comets to keep my lone turkey company, so they were Wendy and Tara.

Next name was for my frizzle cochin. He was so pretty as a baby, I said he was too pretty to be a boy. Then he crowed! so I needed a pretty, but manly name. No disrespect for homosexuals, but his name became Armand, which was Robyn Williams character name in The Birdcage. The girl that hatched with him became Katherine, Armands female wife. I have a lighted sign outside their coop that looks like the marquis The Birdcage.

Later I hatched 3 silver duckwing OEGBs, turned out to be 2 males, 1 female. The boys looks so much alike, the trio became Clara, Darryl and Darryl. 2 of their daughters are Thelma and Louise.

My bossy Serama boy is Chuck, after I watched Angry Birds, so my other Serama boy is Larry. Chuck and Larry.

I've gotten a few that were already named when I got them. Ash, a beautiful blue cochin, that happens to be Armand and Katherine's daughter, a friend hatched and I bought back, along with her sister Dalia, a solid black.
An OEGB boy named Simon, pre-named. His girl Shelly, but I never call her Shelly. She doesn't really have a name to me yet.

Oh, my beautiful blue brassy OEGB is very regal looking, so her name is Cleopatra.

And my 2 chocolate Orpington sisters Mocha and Cocoa. Cocoa got sick a few weeks ago and I had to put her down this week. I might name one of her chocolate babies Cocoa, in her honor.
I love the name Gemma is that from that show as well?

Took some pics of the baby serama Im selling... Im having a hard time letting this one go!

Not sure what I color this falls in lol chocolate and tan shades, love her!
Sorry, Sally Sunshine, I kinda dropped the ball there on the whole Jeeves thing.

I'm not myself; so worried.

I apologize.

But? I got some of my story out, and that felt cathartic, so thank you, once again.

Where are you from?

Jeeves, by the by?

We often associate this with Alfred Hitchcock, but I believe PG Woodehouse may have popularized the marriage between the name "Jeeves" and the profession of a gentleman's gentleman: a Butler.

The New York Times:

Just about all his characters were there, with diners dressing as members of that immortal cast of aristocratic young twits at the Drones Club, doddering peers, ferocious aunts, ravishing flappers with ''no more brains than would comfortably fit in an aspirin bottle'' and butlers galore that fill the imaginary, timeless world that Plum, as Wodehouse was nicknamed, created in more than 90 novels, 30 plays and other works. He died in 1975 at 93.

There was Gussie Fink-Nottle wearing the scarlet tights he roamed around London in all night after losing the address of a fancy-dress party, his money and his keys; the soft-brained old Ninth Earl of Emsworth and his prize sow, the Empress of Blandings; Lady Bassett, the big-game hunter who threatened unsuitable suitors with an elephant gun; and, of course, Bertie Wooster, the brainless, chinless wonder continually saved from disaster by Jeeves, his infinitely resourceful gentleman's gentleman.

But no Plummy, as society members call themselves, dared impersonate the inimitable Jeeves, because he was just that, inimitable. ''No one likes seeing Jeeves, because he exists already in everybody's mind,'' explained Ed Ratcliffe


And a pop-culture wiki:

"Jeeves is also a name that is most associated with butlers, the name having become prominent through it's use in the series of short stories by P.G. Wodehouse, which were adapted into the ITV series Jeeves and Wooster. The episode is in the style of a "whodunit." Novels in this style were popularized between 1920 and 1950 by writers such as Agatha Christie, G.K. Chesterton, Dorothy Sayers and Ellery Queen. In these stories, there are many twists and turns with clues revealed throughout. The stories often took place in a manor house. The board game Clue is based on the format, and players must use deductive reasoning to guess the the identity of a murderer, the location and the murder weapon."

I am going to wait til tomorrow to do aspirin and splint, I think.

Are you sure I can't just give him a portion of a low-dose, straight? That much water? I'm afraid I won't get the dosing right...

And I've never syringe fed a chicken; though I have plenty of experience with this with mammals.

Sadie? I'm afraid I'll end up doing something wrong and the aspirin won't kill him, but 'aspirating' will: getting water down his trachea: effectively drowning or choking him.



Sally? You're my peeps. I'm grateful to have made a friend and ally.

thank you I am such a sheltered soul!!

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Esther named her turkey poult from the spring Jell-O because of her part full crop. She modified it to Jelmaro so the turkey wouldn't sound like a side dish. She named Rosabelle and Annabelle the turkey hens that raise their babies together
Then there's Cocoa the black English Orpington hen(from a split chocolate pen), Jake the boss man head Marans cock,

As a kid I had a white Rock cock named Moonlight, a ee named Cluck-Cluck, a white polish named Phoenix, a mixed named Blackie and another mutt named Brownie, there was a gold laced bantam cochin named Dr Extra Feathers, a turken named Ugly Betty, and a lot of others I can't remember. My husband named a standard gold laced Cochin Merlin. He was a handsome devil. My partner in crime named one of our keeper cockerels Eli
And here's Fabio and his flowing mane.
Esther also named our Tom turkey the Big Red Tom. Very creative for a burbon red, I know. Ladybird came with her name, so I just kept it, a rehomed burbon red.
oh I am so in love with FABIO!!!!!! so handsome!!!!! you have other pics of this flock? would love to see more more more!!
I love the name Gemma is that from that show as well? Took some pics of the baby serama Im selling... Im having a hard time letting this one go! Not sure what I color this falls in lol chocolate and tan shades, love her!
Oh WOW!! Why you selling her?? She's SO cute!!

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