CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks

you have some named? really?

SPREADSHEETS! Not named chickens. I once had a rooster I referred to as 'crook toe'.

I've never really named a chicken - or any other livestock for that matter. Except what is required for registered Angus. I didn't call the cattle by name though.
When I got chickens again years ago, I knew I would be eating aged birds and extra roos. I decided naming was a bad idea. I told everyone who asked, that their names were Barbecue, Christmas dinner and Easter dinner.
Now all my birds are all black and the numbered/colored legbands work so much better than names.
I took a hen to a vet for egg binding once and the receptionist wanted to know the 'patient's' name. Just off the top of my head, I said "Barbecue".
She wrote it down and when the vet tech came out she called out BARBECUE.
I picked up the cage with the chicken and walked back. The look on the other pet owners' faces was priceless.
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I have named about five of my chickens even though some are diseased I still miss them !!!pogo was a small bantam (not sure what breed)and my rainbow rooster junior who both from chickhood followed me as if I was their momma!!Some like my evil Rhode Island rooster named red got a name from bad behavior ,the only was still living is a maple buttercup named maple
My daughter has named a couple more
Carrot (carrie)

they are black chicks, she just likes food names

I have named about five of my chickens even though some are diseased I still miss them !!!pogo was a small bantam (not sure what breed)and my rainbow rooster junior who both from chickhood followed me as if I was their momma!!Some like my evil Rhode Island rooster named red got a name from bad behavior ,the only was still living is a maple buttercup named maple
Welcome to BYC!! awwww sorry you lost them, do you have pics? @4allpoultry
This is Peter my 8 month old Black Austarlorp.I always thought Peter would be a Mean,Sex driving Cockerel but no he is very nice and only mates with his hen once a day.Dont know if that's a good thing because i might buy a incubator at some point.....

This is Peter my 8 month old Black Austarlorp.I always thought Peter would be a Mean,Sex driving Cockerel but no he is very nice and only mates with his hen once a day.Dont know if that's a good thing because i might buy a incubator at some point.....
Lol and i love that 2nd picture
Ha, this is a great format for describing our flock and their personalities!

Our flock started with Crazy Eight (Eightie), the Silver-laced Wyandotte, who had a crazy looking habit of shaking his head. We imagined he found himself having bad thoughts and shook his head to try and clear that up so as not to think such bad things. It could be that he actually had ear mites. He got aggressive and had to be re-homed.

The Ameraucanas look like wise old raptors with their beards, so: Falcon (Falkie) who likes to roost on your arm like a falcon, and Eagle who has these dark black bottomless pits for eyes. The next generation: Hawk-eye, the broody (see at bottom) and Kestrel, the roo. Someone said Kestrel looks like Robert Plant with long blond hair that he shakes around when he's strutting and belting out songs, a pretty glam rock blouse and the ladies hanging from his arms.




Two Barred Rocks, one bigger after Mavis Staples, the blues singer, a big woman who really belts them out. The other smaller rock was 'sponsored' by a friend who picked them up at the feed store and she wanted one named Sarah for sentimental reasons. Sarah is so sexy, we can't get her little butt feathers to grow back. She doesn't care what she looks like, just about foraging and laying an egg dang near every day of the year.

Young Sarah & Mavis:

Phoenix the Black-laced Red Wyandotte has such spectacular fiery red plumage like the mythical beast of legend. She's the beauty queen of the flock, who has never had a feather out of place and doesn't take orders from anyone. She does stay out of the way of top hen Heather though. Heather is built like a football player.

Phoenix in front, Heather behind:

Coco, the Cuckoo Maran, named with a cliche like Buffy the Buff Orpington who turned out to be such a vicious Rhode Island Red, we had to get rid of her (Buffy the slayer). Coco is a big busty dark beauty, and a little bit dim, but we love her.

Natasha, the Naked Neck needed a really exotic sounding name, and her offspring was to be Electra but he's a boy, so Electro it is.

Natasha molting:


His bro Bernie, the Silver-laced Wyandotte, was supposed to be Bernice which seemed like a good old fashioned name for a heritage breed, and a subtle not to Mr. Sanders. When he misbehaves, we scold him 'Bernard!'

Princess, the Silver-laced Wyandotte, was brooded by the top two hens simultaneously, hence the royal name. Then both moms left her as an only child at 2 months old to raise Phoenix's next brood: Bernie and Electro, and she became a very capable teenage mom. We call them 'The Wildlings', having been raised by our first broody hen(s).

Princess has a keyhole shaped left pupil:


Three more Silver-laced Wyandottes were raised from the incubator: 'The Triplets' - Little, Middle and Big - AKA 'The Bowlingballs' after their rotund fluffy-butts.

The last two mutts from that batch, we call the Cutie Patooties because they were so friendly and stuck together like two peas in a pod. A friend borrowed them for a couple days as chicks - spending every moment of those days and nights with them which tamed them nicely and earned them the names Chub & Flub. It turns out they are roos too and now that they've reached puberty, they hate to be handled - of course that happens to the girls too but wow these guys are changing fast.

Flub has pink feet, Chub has yellow feet:

The latest batch of Hawk-eye's wildling chicks are barely named. The first sex-link roo is Hank Jr. since that's what was playing on the stereo when he hatched, and the first sex-link pullet is Irene, more old fashioned heritage names. We'll wait till they get older to name the rest. OK, Hank Jr, Hank Sr., Irene and Iris for the Barred Rock sex links, then there's a red-head and two blond Wyandotte/Easter-Egger/Heather mutts...

Hawk-eye and her brood at 2 weeks (Hawk-eye is HUGE):

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