CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks


needs a quote!!!
Alas, she's the one that flies really well and likes to fly out of the paddock, lay in a hidden nest, and then either a) fly back in, or b), walk up to me when I get home and go out in the yard, as if to say "Where have you been all day?! I want back in!" I've had zero eggs the past few days, and tomorrow I'm going out in their paddock (lots of bushes/brush) and looking for a nest. Part of me wants to fire up the 'bator now if I find one...

- Ant Farm
Alas, she's the one that flies really well and likes to fly out of the paddock, lay in a hidden nest, and then either a) fly back in, or b), walk up to me when I get home and go out in the yard, as if to say "Where have you been all day?! I want back in!" I've had zero eggs the past few days, and tomorrow I'm going out in their paddock (lots of bushes/brush) and looking for a nest. Part of me wants to fire up the 'bator now if I find one...

- Ant Farm 

Well, hurry and start lookin', my poor stopwatch is getting tired :gig
RIP Kristy

Sally, I finally caught her outside just two days before she died.
To answer your questions, no my days start at 4:30 not three. I work at least sixty hours or a bit more a week just at work
awwww and ok mine starts at 5 but I push snooze a few times lol. do you have trouble getting yourself to bed at a good time too?

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