chicken has given up on life.

Apple has a high water content to keep her hydrated and fructose which will give her an energy boost and pectin which has lots of health benefits and lots of other trace elements and vitamins and if it encourages them to keep eating then that in itself is a huge bonus. I am not saying to solely feed her apple but it can be a beneficial treat for a sick bird, just like we take fruit in to someone in hospital.
Flappy Chicken!
Warf is a very pretty bird. Im glad to see she is still with us after 16 days or so since your first post. I've read through every post here, there is a lot of advice and information for you to soak up! I'm no chicken expert, but there's a lot of folks here concerned about Warf who have definitely done their research.
I was the president of my 4-H club many moons ago, also. Right after my older sisters had their turn :p. Now, when I was in 4-H, we had our project books that were loaded with information, we had the parents of our club members, we had the local extension office, and the head of each type of livestock committee that we could use as a resource. . . .because the internet wasn't what it is today. 4-H is meant to build a community! These people are there to help you! Are you able to get in touch with any of these people and have them check out Warf? Im sure they would be very happy to help, and if your internet goes out again, they're only a phone call or your next 4-H meeting away.

I noticed someone said that when she escapes, you always find her somewhere shady. . . so i went back to the pics that you posted, it looks like your "cage-tent thingy" was/is of the greenhouse variety? Those can get awfully warm, and I know that my chickens would get too warm in our greenhouse even with all the plants to give them shade. You may want to think about moving it to a shadier location. I've only got 4 trees in my yard, so if thats not an option maybe an extension cord and a fan? or a solar powered fan from amazon? That sort of setup can harbor lots of bacteria that a chicken might not want to hang around in, also.

Sorry about the long winded post here. . . I have 2 more inquires:

Can we have a FULL update on how Warf is doing? obviously lots of folks here are interested :). (has she gained weight? Is her other eye still clouding over? Is she still standing funky? Are her spirits lifted or do you still think she wants to give up? stuff like that. . .)

AND. . . did you name the other 42 birds?

Good luck and hope to hear back from you!

Today she has a friend because these two are so close I don't even know what to say, and if Warf is going to be leaving this world I think she better spend her last days with her best friend.

and also if she lives then she will have her best friend to help her through anything.
I gave her and her BFF some apple pieces and she tried to eat that also, but she couldn't so I gave her smaller pieces, and she also drank about 30 ML of water and she looked more perky.
That's awesome that she is showing improvement. Apple is crap as far as I'm concerned and is ONLY a treat. She needs amino acids and protein.

Listen, GET her some scrambled egg! It's easy to digest, highly palatable, and loaded with nutrients... Or use some nutri drench.

Chickens can eat like you've described and not show nutrient deficit, until it becomes serious. Now it may NOT be your main source of issue here... but getting some better quality nutrition WILL help her!

The issue with "grains" that makes it different from a formulated chicken ration... is that a ration has the important vitamins, minerals, and amino acids added in. Where as simple grains are mostly devoid of that stuff and usually much lower in protein. I understand.. maybe your forage is better than some others... but this isn't the time to mess around. Not saying you did something wrong or caused this... but if you want her BEST chance to recover... takes some advice and UP her nutrition. :fl
she is an Ancona and her name is Warf like the klingon from star trek.
she is about 2 years old and her eye started out cloudy grey and then went cloudy and greenish and swollen. I separated her then (it changed with in days, so I was going to let her stay with the other hens (and one rooster) but when it went bad I separated her)

she used to eat out of my hand (well spoon) but then she just stopped I thought it was a fase but after a day or so I tried force feeding her and now she wont eat at all, she is not eating ANYTHING and I'm getting scared, she had lost at least 1/2 of her body weight and I can't get it back on her, I don't think she has much longer if I can't get this weight back on her.

(I was thinking of just taking her to our dog's vet but I'm not sure about that. like what would happen (like I pay $60 just to have them say NAH just kill the chicken) AHHH!

Okay did I answer all the questions? *sigh* I am totally stressed out!
Okay. Update!!! Warf escaped from her ummm... Cage tent thing. But I found her trying to eat grass!!! (I don't know why she didn't eat the grass in her cage tent thing... But oh well.) I gave her and her BFF some apple pieces and she tried to eat that also, but she couldn't so I gave her smaller pieces, and she also drank about 30 ML of water and she looked more perky. however her other eye is now going cloudy so I am worried about that.

this is the first time in a week she has tried eating by herself!
Okay. Update!!! Warf escaped from her ummm... Cage tent thing. But I found her trying to eat grass!!! (I don't know why she didn't eat the grass in her cage tent thing... But oh well.) I gave her and her BFF some apple pieces and she tried to eat that also, but she couldn't so I gave her smaller pieces, and she also drank about 30 ML of water and she looked more perky. however her other eye is now going cloudy so I am worried about that.

this is the first time in a week she has tried eating by herself!
Your chicken Warf obviously needs nutrition. She need protein, not grass, not yogurt, not apples, protein. Scrambled eggs, canned cat food, a complete chicken food of at least 20% protein. Add vitamins to her water for now, get her on some good food and work on the eye problem after she starts eating again.
I'm doubting disease other then possibly blind. Defiencies? Yes. It's been going on to long and only affecting her.
Marek's can cause blindness and she could live for months or even years with it and still be shedding the virus and due to the dormant phases of the disease, others could have it but not be symptomatic or the OP may even have lost other birds with very different symptoms and not realise what it is. I'm not saying it is Marek's, but not to rule it out or assume it is not infectious. That said, I do not isolate my own Marek's birds because the flock has already been exposed, but symptomatic birds are actively shedding the virus and causing a reservoir of infected material to build up in the flock's environment so isolating or culling sick birds may still be valid.

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