Chicken has infected wounds and abscess from fox attack- need advice!!!

Ok so you’d recommend I wait for the avian vet, not take her to the regular emergency vet? I’m just worried she will get a lot worse by Thursday.
Yes, take her to the vet that knows what she is doing. Don't spend money on a vet who may say, "I don't really know what to do about this but this may work." You want to walk out with a solution not "I hope this works." Use all the tips given here here until Thursday. That is what I would do, she will be okay if you treat it for a few days.
So, some people have suggested opening the wounds to get the infection out and others have suggested external cleaning and soaks only.

Thoughts experts? :p
OP can either see an expensive emergency vet tomorrow that doesnt usually do birds or wait to see the avian vet thursday.
A fox unfortunately got into our chicken coop on Thursday night and killed 8 of our chickens and injured one. We took the injured one inside and just sprayed the main wound with antiseptic, however we didn’t find its puncture wounds till several days later and they had already mostly scabbed over. Since then, I have just been spraying Microcyn AH wound and skin care spray on them a few times a day and I put antibiotic ointment on a couple times, because that was all we had and I didn’t know what else to do. We’ve been keeping it inside, and it has started eating and drinking pretty normally again However, I noticed a bad smell coming from the puncture wounds 2 days ago, and yesterday felt a hard lump underneath which I assume is an abscess. I tried to clean them out better last night with the Microcyn spray but my question is should I take it to a vet or try to treat it at home myself? I’ve seen on here that Pen G works well for wound infections, I wouldn’t be able to get that until tomorrow night though. But we don’t want to spend too much on a vet and the avian vet near us doesn’t have appointments until Thursday so we’d have to go to an emergency vet who doesn’t really treat chickens often. I just don’t want to wait too long trying to decide what to do though, as the infection has already probably been untreated for 2-3 days already, and the chicken is acting so much better than when it first got attacked, but I don’t want it to go downhill again from the infection. Any advice would be appreciated, this is my first time trying to care for an injured chicken so I don’t even know if I’m cleaning the wounds the right way. :barnie
PLEASE take the chicken to the vet, don’t be that person that try’s to help there very sick pet at home and just lets it suffer more and more get it help!!! It’s clearly gonna dye a very slow painful death if u don’t get it help so just imagine being in it’s place

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