Chicken is egg bound or severely constipated pleas help!!!!!


In the Brooder
Oct 25, 2020
My chicken ginger looks to be egg bound and hasn't layer anything in 2 days I've been checking on her but today here health declined severely and now she is gasping for air. I feel like I've tried everything to help her pass the egg but nothing has worked. The reason i think it also could be severe constipation is because the lump is under her vent and when I feel in her vent I don't feel any egg. Please help asap any advice is appreciated.
Do you have any pictures of her vent? Is her tail down or up? Have you given her any calcium to help her muscle contractions? Any calcium or Tums will do in an emergency, but get some human calcium citrate with vitamin d3 if you need to get some. Give 1 tablet daily. Does her lower belly under the vent feel hard, tight, or spongy? Can you insert a lubricated clean finger into her vent, and feel for an egg or obstruction? Use a disposable glove if you have one. Has she passed any droppings in the last 2 days, and what has that looked like? Does she normally lay eggs? I would get her into a warm humid room on a moist warm towel after you have done all of this.
I’m having the same problem with my chicken. When I saw her yesterday she was walking in a penguin position with her tail down. I thought she was egg bound so I gave her a warm soak and some calcium but when I did a vent check, nothing. She’s been having really runny poops of late and when I did the vent check, my finger came out with a lot of very dry feces. I gave her some water with black strap molasses, but she’s not drinking too much. She’s been expelling a lot of urate and this morning she had some poop that was dry and crumbly but her belly is still really hard and she’s not drinking much.
She hasn’t been laying much if at all the last few months because she was badly bullied and has been trying to regrow feathers. We’ve been pushing the protein to help her with this in the form of meal worms, but it’s also possible the others in the flock aren’t letting her get at the water.
I’m stumped. None of the local vets treat birds/chickens. Will massaging her abdomen help? I’m afraid of putting a dropper in her mouth to make her drink; I don’t want to asphyxiate her. But if she doesn’t drink more, I feel like she’s going to explode. What else can I give her to clean her out?
I’m having the same problem with my chicken. When I saw her yesterday she was walking in a penguin position with her tail down. I thought she was egg bound so I gave her a warm soak and some calcium but when I did a vent check, nothing. She’s been having really runny poops of late and when I did the vent check, my finger came out with a lot of very dry feces. I gave her some water with black strap molasses, but she’s not drinking too much. She’s been expelling a lot of urate and this morning she had some poop that was dry and crumbly but her belly is still really hard and she’s not drinking much.
She hasn’t been laying much if at all the last few months because she was badly bullied and has been trying to regrow feathers. We’ve been pushing the protein to help her with this in the form of meal worms, but it’s also possible the others in the flock aren’t letting her get at the water.
I’m stumped. None of the local vets treat birds/chickens. Will massaging her abdomen help? I’m afraid of putting a dropper in her mouth to make her drink; I don’t want to asphyxiate her. But if she doesn’t drink more, I feel like she’s going to explode. What else can I give her to clean her out?
So her whole belly is tight? It sounds like ascites, can you post pictures? Meal worms are to fatty to use as a protein supplement, try high protein feed
Photo. If it is ascites, what can I do? I’m not sure how much of the meal worms she gets. We toss a handful into the run every few days for the 6 chickens to share. I got her to drink some more of the molasses water and I’ve put some water-based lube around her vent.


Vent. She’s been picked at here. You can see the remnants of Blue Kote on her feathers.
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@ChickenMamaLissa we are completely and entirely sympathetic to you and your hen, and we want very much to help. But you need to start your own thread so that we don't get confused as to whom we're dealing with - your hen or the hen of the person who made this thread.

It's easy. Just go back to the forum title page and click on the green button at the top "post thread" and you can then enter a title and even copy the posts that you made here. Then you're set to get all the best advice from this community.
@warmnfluffy how old is your hen? Have you checked her crop?

Does she have a watery discharge coming from her vent? If so, does it have a very unpleasant odor? Have your seen any cecal poops from her lately (the chocolate pudding kind)

Have you tried giving her warm fluids? If not, I suggest you try that. Put a little molasses in the warm water, a teaspoon to a cup of water. Syringe it like this.

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