Chicken Math is real


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2020
So I am a newbie and green as can be and after years of saying I should raise chickens we finally pulled the trigger - in process of building a coop 6x8 coop and 20ft run and the chicks were ordered and told would ship 5/20 so plenty of time to get supplies.

To my surprise yesterday morning I was alerted by email that they shipped??? WTH!!! So I called the hatchery and they apologized but said an automatized fill in orders automatically sent the chicks out and didn't look at the notation don't ship prior to 5/10 - the very nice staff member informed me the chicks would arrive on Friday as they were just shipped Weds - nope they arrived 10am today and the made dash was on to get their new brooder all set up makeshift style.

We ordered 15 and well 17 were in the box chirping away. Is this what they mean by Chicken Math?
chicken math.jpg
Congratulations on the early delivery, the 2 extra chicks are because sometimes one or two do not survive being shipped, so they include extra's. Chicken Math is where you add 1 + 1 and come up with 20. I started out wanting maybe 6 hens, so I went to TSC, bought my chicks and came home. Then get on here and start reading how people lost 2 or 3, so to make sure I had at least 6 hens, I went and bought what was the limit on what you had to buy, 6 chicks at a, long story short, I ended up with 12 healthy happy girls. All of a sudden, 4 yrs later I find myself with over 50. A girl friend only wanted a couple of chickens, chicken math struck and she now has 10

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