Chicken math

So my numbers are fluctuating this week.
Sold: 7 Silkies, 14 ducks, 10 JG, 4 Sapphires, 3 Marans and 11 guineas.
Going to freezer camp next week: 20 roosters.
Hatched: 17 chicks (3 are not mine), 6 goslings.
Set to hatch: 4 Lav Orps, 7 JG, 11 EOs, 11 Jubilee Orps, 3 Blue Orps, 14 Choc Orps.
Going in today: 18 Lemon Orp, 6 JG, 5 duck eggs and 12 guinea eggs.
More goose eggs and 6 Blue Orp eggs coming next week. And maybe some of my own Silkie eggs.
That is some serious math blkjak!

I thought I had it bad with the feed store having bantam cochins at 6 weeks old...... Just old enough that the boys would be easy to see.

Good thing they are on the other side of a massive amount of construction and detours!
As we all know chicken math is real! Couldn't help myself look at this sweet thing

Hi Everyone, this is my 1st post & I figured this was the best thread to post on!

I too have "chicken math" issues
Superbowl weekend my roommate & I decided to buy some birds. I bought 2 blk sex links & 2 ameraucanas while she bought 2 unknown ducklings. Fast forward 4 wks & the first time we put the chicks & ducklings outside in a small pen, we were assured our dogs (chihuahuas) could not get into the pen by another roommate. We ran an errand & when we came home the oldest dog had weaseled her way into the pen & "played" the chicks to death & pulled all the tail feathers out of the ducklings.

A week later I decided to replace the chicks cuz I kinda missed them so to replace the "4" I bought 4 ameraucanas & 2 australops
THEN 2 wks ago I had to buy more feed so of course I had to look at the chicks they had & picked up 4 blk sex links, 2 golden sex links, & 2 RIRs
yesterday I had to pick up some straw & saw they had barred rock chicks for buy 1 get 1 FREE.....I came home with 4

Between the death of the 1st 4 & the replacement 6, my roommate decided the ducklings were too much work so I took them over....they have turned out to be both females, 1 peckin & 1 I have 20 birds when I started with 4
Ok so my dad bought an incubator and I figured I would do the incubating for him since I'm a stay at home mom and like to obsess.. I mean learn about new things, so I said I would get 12 eggs for first hatch to test it out.. well I kept saying to myself 'can't count your chicks before they hatch' so I wanted to give myself some room for error...... there's 51 eggs in my incubator idk how it happened I'm not very good at math lol
Ok so my dad bought an incubator and I figured I would do the incubating for him since I'm a stay at home mom and like to obsess.. I mean learn about new things, so I said I would get 12 eggs for first hatch to test it out.. well I kept saying to myself 'can't count your chicks before they hatch' so I wanted to give myself some room for error...... there's 51 eggs in my incubator idk how it happened I'm not very good at math lol

Maybe not good at math BUT math seems to be good at you! :lau
You are so funny----but SO RIGHT. I am trying so hard to limit myself to just a I started breeding pedigree cats with wanting only one female and ended up having a hugh cattery for 24 years. I can see myself doing that with chicks now....but I am in the city and we have limits of 3 (I think per household but I am pretending it is per person...Haha)
Loved your writing, I can see many of us in that.
Well, I am partially though the receiving part of the 25 chicks I had ordered from the feed store! I have my 4 RIR and 4 BR chicks, I added my 3 BSL, 3 BO's and 1 Red Cross chick. Still waiting on my 10 EE. Well, hubby surprised me with an incubator kit for my anniversary present (I mentioned wanting one, so he was listening!) So, to check that one out, there is a selection of eggs from my hens (I have two roosters, so most of them will be fertile) in the 'bator. If they all hatch, I'll have a total of 31 chicks! I know they probably won't all hatch, but hope springs eternal!

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