Chicken not eating or drinking much

Sulfadimidine is the same drug as sulfamethazine, the ingredient in Sulmet that used to be available in feed stores in the US until antibiotics were removed from shelves several years ago. It is a sulfonamide that can treat coccidiosis, coryza, and fowl cholera. Sulfadimethoxine is probably a better choice. Some also use Bactrim, Sulaftrim, or SMZ-TMP by prescription.
Sulfadimidine is the same drug as sulfamethazine, the ingredient in Sulmet that used to be available in feed stores in the US until antibiotics were removed from shelves several years ago. It is a sulfonamide that can treat coccidiosis, coryza, and fowl cholera. Sulfadimethoxine is probably a better choice. Some also use Bactrim, Sulaftrim, or SMZ-TMP by prescription.
Good to know LOL
I have odd googling skills so my results never connected the two!
If you have it, use it but be careful on dosage.
I prefer amprolium also but it is possible there could be some resistant species in the environment that require a sulfa drug to cure.
Does @Catalyst know the bird needs a coccidiostat?
Well I would keep looking for amprolium..
Am using because I haven't used it for my chickens after hatching till today may be it good for them to have some resistance rather than waiting for things to happen later. Or does it not work that way?
Ok, I re-read the thread. I don't see any indication that coccidiosis is a problem so I wouldn't treat them with that product.
Cocciciostats like Amprolium work by starving the protozoa of thiamine.
I don't think you will get any beneficial effects of using that sulfa drug.
What I see with your DIY feed mix is that they may have a deficiency of vitamin D, E, K and minerals like selenium.

I'm assuming your chicks are now just over 10 weeks old. Elevated nutrient levels are required for healthy chicks. As I said in my first post, without spending a great deal of my time to evaluate your home made diet, off the top of my head I think your birds have had deficiencies throughout their early life. The fishmeal should have provided the necessary amino acids but there may have been vitamin/mineral deficiencies.
Do you not have access to a complete poultry feed?
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Ok, I re-read the thread. I don't see any indication that coccidiosis is a problem so I wouldn't treat them with that product.
Cocciciostats like Amprolium work by starving the protozoa of thiamine.
I don't think you will get any beneficial effects of using that sulfa drug.
What I see with your DIY feed mix is that they may have a deficiency of vitamin D, E, K and minerals like selenium.

I'm assuming your chicks are now just over 10 weeks old. Elevated nutrient levels are required for healthy chicks. As I said in my first post, without spending a great deal of my time to evaluate your home made diet, off the top of my head I think your birds have had deficiencies throughout their early life. The fishmeal should have provided the necessary amino acids but there may have been vitamin/mineral deficiencies.
Do you not have access to a complete poultry feed?
For Vit K I daily feed them green leaves like Alfalfa , spanich etc. For Vit E I give them Sunflower seeds (a percentage in their feed). For selenium I give them Garlic as raw or in powdered form added to their feed. Are these sources not sufficient?
As for whole poultry feed it is available but very expensive. So I made the homemade feed.
I have noticed d that the female chicks are abit low in weight (when I pick them up in my hands) while the males seems to be of good weight. I have 7 male chickens and 8 female chickens. Could be that the males are eating a lot and not allowing the females to eat much or it is natural? Hehe sorry for stupid questions but they are my daily observations.

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